Wednesday, March 26 2025

ISO 37001 requirements anti-bribery management systems version 2016


Quiz requirements ISO 37001 version 2016

You want to familiarize yourself with the structure of the standard, identify and understand the requirements of ISO 37001 version 2016, then it's up to you to play!


The quiz "ISO 37001 Requirements version 2016" will help you understand the main requirements of the standard.

The questions (requirements) for this quiz are 102, don't panic. The requirements of the standard are 224 but these 102 requirements are among the most important, so don't hesitate to learn in a fun way!

Don't think that you can complete this quiz in less than an hour, or even two hours, unless of course you are a little genius!


News on the anti-bribery standard ISO 37001 version 2016


The 224 requirements (shall, shall) of clauses 4 to 10 of ISO 37001 are broken down as follows:

ISO 37001 requirements version 2016 copyleft
PDCA cycle
Requirement No
Context Plan
1 ÷ 22
5 Leadership Plan, Do, Check, Act
23 ÷ 66
6 Planning Plan
67 ÷ 88
7 Support Do
89 ÷ 135
8 Operation Do
136 ÷ 170
9 Performance Check 171 ÷ 212 42
10 Improvement Act 213 ÷ 224 12

requirements iso 37001

Requirements in ISO 37001 clauses and sub-clauses



Deming PDCA cycle


Note. Any requirement normally begins with "The organization shall ...". For simplicity we present the requirements directly starting with the verb.

ISO 37001 - Requirements and comments version 2016 copyleft
PDCA cycle, links, comments
The organization and its context
Document external and internal issues Everything that influences the achievement of objectives, cf. sub-clause 6.2. The issues are related to the nature of the management, the scope, the activities, the economic model, the partners, the relations with public representatives, the legal obligations
Determine whether climate change is a relevant issue Amendment 1 to ISO 37001: 2016: Climate action changes
Document stakeholders List of stakeholders who may have an influence on the ABMS or be influenced by the ABMS (anti-bribery management system)
4 4.2 b Document requirements of the stakeholders Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements, as well as voluntary commitments
Document the boundaries and applicability of the ABMS In order to establish the scope of the ABMS
6  4.3 a Take into account external and internal issues Internal and external issues, cf. sub-clause 4.1
7  4.3 b Take into account the requirements of the stakeholders Requirements, see sub-clause 4.2
8 4.3 c Take into account the bribery risk assessment Results of risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
9 4.3 Make the scope available As a document, cf. sub-clause 7.5
Information security management system
10  4.4 Establish, document, implement, maintain and improve the ABMS

Including the processes used and their interactions

Processes : processus

  • delegate decision-making (sub-clause 5.3.3)
  • manage operational requirements (sub-clause 8.1)
  • conduct internal audits (sub-clause 9.2.2)
11  4.4 Include anti-bribery specific indicators In order to identify and assess any risk of bribery. And prevent and detect any act of bribery and find remedies 
12  4.4 Implement a reasonable and proportionate ABMS The measures are based on recognized international good practices
13  4.4 Take into account the factors related to the scope of the ABMS Such as internal and external issues, requirements of the stakeholders, anti-bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.3
Bribery risk assessment
14 4.5.1 Undertake regular bribery risk assessment

Based on the standard ISO 31000 Risk management

15 4.5.1 a Identify the bribery risks Risks that can reasonably be anticipated, cf. the issues of sub-clause 4.1
16 4.5.1 b Analyze and assess the bribery risks And establish and prioritize identified risks
17 4.5.1 c Evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the controls put in place In order to mitigate the identified and assessed risks
18 4.5.2 Define criteria In order to evaluate the level of bribery risk in the organization
19 4.5.2

Take into account the anti-bribery policy and objectives

Cf. sub-clauses 5.2 and 6.2
20 4.5.3 a Review the bribery risk assessment On a regular basis, in order to take into account changes and new information available
21 4.5.3 b Review the bribery risk assessment In the event of a significant change in the structure or activities of the company
22 4.5.4 Retain records of realized assessments In order to improve the ABMS, cf. sub-clause 7.5.3
Plan, Do, Check, Act
Leadership and commitment
23 5.1.1 a Approve the anti-bribery policy In order to demonstrate the leadership and commitment of top management (or governing body), cf. sub-clause 5.2
24 5.1.1 b  Ensure that the strategy and anti-bribery policy are aligned Cf. sub-clause 5.2
25 5.1.1 c Review relevant ABMS information Top management receives this information at intervals that are planned
26 5.1.1 d Require the allocation and assignment of necessary resources In order to achieve efficient operation of the ABMS
27 5.1.1 e Exercise oversight over the implementation of the ABMS Top management reasonably manages the implementation of the ABMS
28 5.1.1 Carry out these activities by top management When the company does not have a governing body
29 5.1.2 a Ensure that the ANMS is established, implemented, maintained and reviewed In order to take into account the risks of bribery. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
30 5.1.2 b Ensure that the anti-bribery requirements are met And integrated into business processes. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
31 5.1.2 c Deploy the necessary resources In order to guarantee the efficient operation of the ABMS. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
32 5.1.2 d Communicate on the anti-bribery policy Internally and externally. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
33 5.1.2 e Communicate the importance of having an effective ABMS And to comply with ABMS requirements. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
34 5.1.2 f Ensure that the ABMS is appropriate In order to achieve the objectives set. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
35 5.1.2 g Support personnel In order for personnel to contribute to the control of the ABMS. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
36 5.1.2 h Promote anti-bribery culture Culture appropriate to the specificities of the company. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
37 5.1.2 i Promote continual improvement In this way, top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment. See sub-clause 10.2
38 5.1.2 j Support management roles So that they manage the prevention and detection of bribery. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
39 5.1.2 k Encourage reporting procedures On suspicious or proven cases of bribery. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
40 5.1.2 l Ensure that no personnel will suffer For reporting a violation of the anti-bribery policy. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
41 5.1.2 m Report regularly on the operation of the ABMS And allegations of bribery, cf. sub-clause d. In this way top management demonstrates its leadership and commitment
Anti-bribery policy
42 5.2 a Prohibit any form of bribery Include in the updated anti-bribery policy, politique
43 5.2 b Enforce compliance with applicable anti-bribery laws Include in the updated anti-bribery policy
44 5.2 c Ensure that the policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization Include in the updated anti-bribery policy
45 5.2 d Provide a framework for achieving the anti-bribery objectives Include in the updated anti-bribery policy
46 5.2 e Commit to satisfy anti-bribery requirements Include in the updated anti-bribery policy
47 5.2 f Encourage raising concerns in good faith Include in the updated anti-bribery policy, cf. sub-clause 8.9
48 5.2 g Commit to continual improvement Include in the updated anti-bribery policy, cf. sub-clause 10.2
49 5.2 h Promote the anti-bribery compliance function Include in the updated anti-bribery policy, cf. sub-clause 5.3.2
50 5.2 i Explain in detail the consequences of not complying with the anti-bribery policy Include in the updated anti-bribery policy
51 5.2 Document the anti-bribery policy Cf. sub-clause 7.5
52 5.2 Communicate the anti-bribery policy appropriately within the company And to business associates
53 5.2 Ensure that the anti-bribery policy is available Including stakeholders
54 5.3.1 Assume overall responsibility for the implementation of, and compliance with the ABMS On behalf of top management, cf. sub-clause 5.1.2
55 5.3.1 Ensure that the responsibilities and authorities are assigned and communicated For all relevant levels of the organization
56 5.3.1 Enforce compliance with ABMS requirements in each department On behalf of every manager at every level of the organization
57 5.3.1 Understand and comply with the ABMS requirements at every level On behalf of top management and all other personnel
58 5.3.2 a Assign responsibility and authority to an anti-bribery compliance function (anti-bribery manager) In order to oversee the design and implementation of the ABMS
59 5.3.2 b Assign responsibility and authority to an anti-bribery compliance function (anti-bribery manager) In order to provide advice to personnel on the ABMS and everything related to bribery
60 5.3.2 c Assign responsibility and authority to an anti-bribery compliance function (anti-bribery manager) In order to ensure that the ABMS conforms to ISO 37001 requirements
61 5.3.2 d Assign responsibility and authority to an anti-bribery compliance function (anti-bribery manager) in order to report on the performance of the ABMS
62 5.3.2 Provide the anti-bribery manager with the necessary resources The anti-bribery manager is competent, has the appropriate authority and independence
63 5.3.2 Have direct and prompt access to top management From the anti-bribery manager in the event that any issue has to be reported
64 5.3.2 Ensure that the necessary responsibilities and authorities are assigned to persons external to the organization In the event that the function or part of the anti-bribery manager function is outsourced
65 5.3.3 Establish and maintain a decision-making process In case top management delegates decision-making to personnel free from conflicts of interest
66 5.3.3 Ensure that this process is reviewed periodically On behalf of top management, cf. sub-clause 5.3.1
67 6.1 a Ensure the achievement of objectives Take into account issues, requirements and identified risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clauses 4.14.2, 4.5 and 10.2
68 6.1 b Prevent and reduce undesired effects of the ABMS Take into account issues, requirements and identified risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clauses and 10.2
69  6.1 c Monitor the effectiveness of the ABMS Take into account issues, requirements and identified risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clauses and 10.2
70 6.1 d Achieve continual improvement Take into account issues, requirements and identified risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clauses and 10.2
71 6.1 Plan actions to address bribery threats And improvement opportunities
72 6.1 Plan how to integrate the actions In the ABMS processes
73 6.1 Plan how to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions Cf. sub-clauses 9.1 and 9.3
74 6.2 Establish anti-bribery management system objectives At all levels in the organization
75 6.2 a Ensure that the ABMS objectives are consistent With the anti-bribery policy
76 6.2 b Ensure that the ABMS objectives are measurable If practicable
77 6.2 c Ensure that the ABMS objectives take into account issues, requirements and risks Cf. sub-clauses and 10.2
78 6.2 d Ensure that the ABMS objectives can be achieved In reasonable limits
79 6.2 e Ensure that the ABMS objectives are monitored

Cf. sub-clause 9.1

80 6.2 f Ensure that the ABMS objectives are communicated

Cf. sub-clause 7.4

81 6.2 g Ensure that the ABMS objectives are updated At a reasonable frequency
82 6.2 Retain records on ABMS objectives Cf. sub-clause 7.5
83 6.2 Document what will be done When planning how to achieve the ABMS objectives
84 6.2 Document the necessary resources When planning how to achieve the ABMS objectives
85 6.2 Document who will be responsible for implementing the objectives When planning how to achieve the ABMS objectives
86 6.2 Document when this will be done When planning how to achieve the ABMS objectives
87 6.2 Document how the objectives will be evaluated and reported When planning how to achieve the ABMS objectives
88 6.2 Document who will be responsible in imposing sanctions or penalties  When planning how to achieve the ABMS objectives
Identify and provide personnel, physical and financial resources needed In order to establish, apply, maintain and improve the ABMS
90  7.2 a Document the necessary competence Of those that can affect anti-bribery performance
91 7.2 b Ensure that the persons are competent On the basis of initial and professional training and experience
92 7.2 c Take training actions And evaluate the effectiveness of these actions
93 7.2 d Retain records on competence As evidence of competence
94 a Comply with the anti-bribery policy and the requirements of the ABMS, in relation to personnel Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
95 b Make the anti-bribery policy available and train staff on the policy Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
96 c Take disciplinary action for non-compliance with anti-bribery policy or requirements of the ABMS  Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
97 d 1 Guarantee the absence of reprisals when refusing to participate in an activity with risk of bribery Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
98 d 2 Guarantee the absence of reprisals when reporting an activity with a risk of bribery Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
99 a Conduct due diligence to ensure that staff will comply with the anti-bribery policy and the requirements of the ABMS Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
100 b Ensure that reasonable anti-bribery preventive measures are in place Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
101 c File a declaration confirming compliance with the anti-bribery policy Included in a documented procedure, cf. sub-clause 7.5
Ensure awareness and training to personnel

On anti-bribery activities

"Prevention is better than cure"

103 7.3 a Include in the training the anti-bribery policy, procedures, ABMS and their duty to comply Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
104 7.3 b Include in the training the bribery risk and the damage to them Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
105 7.3 c Include in the training the circumstancies in which bribery can occur Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
106 7.3 d Include in the training how to recognize and respond to solicitations Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
107 7.3 e Include in the training how to prevent and avoid bribery and recognize bribery risk indicators Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
108 7.3 f  Include in the training the benefits of the contribution of personnel in the improvement of the ABMS Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
109 7.3 g Include in the training the consequences of not conforming with the ABMS requirements Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
110 7.3 h Include in the training how and to whom report any concerns Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clauses 4.5 and 8.9
111 7.3 i Include in the training information on available training and resources Taking into account the bribery risk assessment, cf. sub-clause 4.5
112 7.3 Provide personnel with anti-bribery risk awareness and training Depending on the function and the identified and potential risks, cf. sub-clause 4.5
113 7.3 Update regularly the awareness programs And training programs
114 7.3 Implement procedures addressing anti-bribery awareness and training for business associates Relating to anti-bribery activities
115 7.3 Identify business associates And document the content and form of the training
116 7.3 Retain records on training Their content, date and list of participants
117 7.4.1 a Document on which subjects to communicate Included in the ABMS
118 7.4.1 b Document when to communicate Included in the ABMS
119 7.4.1 c Document with whom to communicate Included in the ABMS
120 7.4.1 d Document how to communicate Included in the ABMS
121 7.4.1 e Document who will communicate Included in the ABMS
122 7.4.1 f Document the language which will be used Included in the ABMS
123 7.4.2 Make available the anti-bribery policy To personnel and business associates
124 7.5.1 a Include in the ABMS the documentation required by ISO 37001

In the ABMS:

Procedures (documented information to maintain):procédure

  • employment (sub-clause 7.2.2)
  • disciplinary actions (sub-clause 7.2.2)
  • personnel (sub-clause
  • training (sub-clause 7.3)
  • documentation (sub-clause 7.5)
  • due diligence (sub-clause 8.2)
  • entities and partners (sub-clause 8.5, 8.6)
  • gifts and similar (sub-clause 8.7)
  • reporting (sub-clause 8.9)
  • investigation and treatment (sub-clause 8.10)
  • internal audit (sub-clause 9.2.3)
Records (documented information to retain):enregistrement
  • scope (sub-clause 4.3)
  • bribery risk register (sub-clause 4.5.4)
  • anti-bribery policy (sub-clause 5.2)
  • anti-bribery objectives (sub-clause 6.2)
  • competence (sub-clause 7.2.1)
  • training (sub-clause 7.3)
  • operational control (sub-clause 8.1)
  • evaluation results (sub-clause 9.1)
  • internal audit report (sub-clause 9.2)
  • management review report (sub-clause 9.3)
  • governing body review report (sub-clause 9.4)
  • non-conformities and corrective actions (sub-clause 10.1)
125 7.5.1 b Include the documentation deemed necessary for the effectiveness of the ABMS

In the ABMS

Creating and updating
126 7.5.2 a Identify and describe the documents appropriately Such as title, author, date, codification
127 7.5.2 b Ensure that the format and media of the documents is appropriate Such as language, version, electronic, paper
128 7.5.2 c Review and validate documentation appropriately In order to determine their relevance and suitability
Document control
129 7.5.3 a Control documentation so that it is available and suitable for use Where and when needed
130 7.5.3 b Control documentation so that it is properly protected As loss of confidentiality, improper use or loss of integrity
131 7.5.3 Apply distribution, access, retrieval and usage activities In order to control the documentation
132 7.5.3 Apply storage and preservation activities In order to control the documentation
133 7.5.3 Apply change control activities In order to control the documentation
134 7.5.3 Apply retention and disposition activities In order to control the documentation
135 7.5.3 Identify and control documents of external origin In order to control the documentation
Planning and control
8.1 a Establish criteria for the processes The processes of the ABMS are planned, implemented, monitored and under control, cf. sub-clause 6.1
137 8.1 b Implement control of the processes The processes of the ABMS are planned, implemented, monitored and under control, cf. sub-clause 6.1
138 8.1 c Retain documents to the extent necessary In order to ensure that the processes are carried out as planned. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
139 8.1 Include the specific controls Cf. sub-clauses 8.2 to 8.10
140 8.1 Control planned and unintended changes And undertake actions to mitigate any adverse effects
141 8.1 Ensure control of outsourced processes Including business associates
Due diligence
142 8.2 Assess the nature and extent of risk related to transactions, activities, partners and personnel Cf. sub-clauses 4.5 and
143 8.2 Include any due diligence In order to obtain sufficient information to assess the bribery risk
144 8.2 Review due diligence regularly In order to take into account the changes
Financial controls
145 8.3 Implement financial controls In order to manage bribery risk
Non-financial controls
146 8.4 Implement non-financial controls In order to manage the risk of bribery such as purchasing, operations, sales, personnel, legal and regulatory activities
Business associates
147 8.5.1 a Implement a procedure for business associates In order that business associates implement an ABMS
148 8.5.1 b Implement a procedure for business associates In order that business associates implement their own anti-bribery controls
149 8.5.2 a Implement a procedure for business associates In order to determine whether the business associate has implemented the applicable anti-bribery controls
150 8.5.2 b 1 Implement a procedure for business associates In order to require the business associate to put in place anti-bribery controls in relation to the project, transaction or activity concerned
151 8.5.2 b 2 Implement a procedure for business associates In order to take into account the impossibility of requiring the business associate to put in place anti-bribery controls, cf. sub-clauses 4.5, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5
Anti-bribery commitments
152 8.6 a Implement a procedure for business associates In order that business associates commit to preventing bribery
153 8.6 b Implement a procedure for business associates In order to terminate the relationship in event of bribery
154 8.6 Consider, where requirements 8.6 a) and b) cannot be met, this factor when assessing bribery risks And the way the organization manages such risks
Gifts, and similar benefits
155 8.7 Implement a procedures for gifts and similar benefits In order to prevent what could reasonably be perceived as an act of bribery
Managing inadequacy of anti-bribery controls
156 8.8 a Suspend the relationship with business associates when bribery risks cannot be managed Because the anti-bribery controls are not adequate
157 8.8 b Decline to continue the relationship with business associates for any new project when bribery risks cannot be managed Because the anti-bribery controls are not adequate
Rainsing concerns
158 8.9 a Implement a reporting procedure In order to encourage persons to report their concerns about attempted bribery, proven cases of bribery or suspected cases
159 8.9 b Implement a reporting procedure In order to protect the identity of the reporting person
160 8.9 c Implement a reporting procedure In order to allow anonymous reporting
161 8.9 d Implement a reporting procedure in order to prohibit retaliation the persons making reports
162 8.9 e Implement a reporting procedure In order to receive advice in the face of a concern or a suspicion of bribery
163 8.9 Ensure that all personnel are informed about the reporting procedure And know how to use whistleblowing reports, knows their rights and applicable protections
Investigating and dealing with bribery
164 8.10 a Implement a procedure for investigation In order to require the assessment or investigation of any reported, detected or suspected bribery, or violation of the anti-bribery policy or the ABMS
165 8.10 b Implement a procedure for investigation In order to implement appropriate actions if the investigation is positive
166 8.10 c Implement a procedure for investigation In order to empower and enable investigators
167 8.10 d Implement a procedure for investigation In order to require co-operation by relevant personnel
168 8.10 e Implement a procedure for investigation In order to require that the status of the investigation is reported to the anti-bribery manager
169 8.10 f Implement a procedure for investigation In order to require the confidentiality of the investigation
170 8.10 Conduct the investigation by non-involved personnel A business associate can be appointed to conduct the investigation
171 9.1 a Document what needs to be monitored And be measured
172 9.1 b Document who is responsible for monitoring Cf. sub-clause 5.3
173 9.1 c Document the methods for inspection (monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation) In order to ensure valid results
174 9.1 d Document when to perform the monitoring And the measurement
175 9.1 e Document when the results from monitoring and measurement shall be analyzed And evaluated
176 9.1 f Document to whom this information shall be reported And it will be reported
177 9.1 Retain documents on inspection  As evidence of the methods and the results obtained, cf. sub-clause 7.5
178 9.1 Evaluate the anti-bribery performance And the effectiveness and efficiency of the ABMS
Internal audit
179 9.2.1 a Conduct internal audits at scheduled intervals  In order to provide information on whether the ABMS is compliant, cf. ISO 19011
180 9.2.1 a 1 Conduct internal audits at scheduled intervals  In order to provide evidence whether the ABMS conforms to the organization's own requirements
181 9.2.1 a 2 Conduct internal audits at scheduled intervals  In order to provide evidence whether the ABMS conforms to the requirements of ISO 27001
182 9.2.1 b Conduct internal audits at scheduled intervals  In order to provide evidence whether the ABMS is effectively implemented and maintained
183 9.2.2 a Plan, establish, apply and maintain the audit program Program that includes frequency, methods, responsibilities, requirements and reporting
184 9.2.2 b Define the audit criteria And the scope of the audit
185 9.2.2 c Select competent auditors And conduct audits to ensure objective and impartial audits
186 9.2.2 d Ensure that audit results are reported to relevant managers And top management
187 9.2.2 e Retain documents on audit results As evidence of the implementation of the audit program
188 9.2.3 Conduct reasonable and appropriate internal audits Audits are risk-based, cf. sub-clause 4.5
189 9.2.3 a Include processes that analyze procedures, controls and systems  Related to bribery and suspected bribery
190 9.2.3 b Include processes that analyze procedures, controls and systems  Related to violation of the anti-bribery policy and ABMS requirements
191 9.2.3 c Include processes that analyze procedures, controls and systems  Related to failure of business associates to conform to anti-bribery requirements of the organization
192 9.2.3 d Include processes that analyze procedures, controls and systems  Related to weaknesses and opportunities of the ABMS
193 9.2.4 a Ensure that audits are undertaken by a person independent of the process In order to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit program
194 9.2.4 b Ensure that audits are undertaken by the anti-bribery manager In order to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit program
195 9.2.4 c Ensure that audits are undertaken by an appropriate person from another department In order to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit program
196 9.2.4 d Ensure that audits are carried out by an appropriate third party In order to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit program
197 9.2.4 e Ensure that the audits are undertaken by a group comprising persons from sub-clauses 9.2.4 a) to d) In order to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit program
198 9.2.4 Ensure that no auditor audits his own department "No-one should be a judge in his own case. Latin proverb"
Management review
Top management review
199 9.3.1 Conduct top management reviews at planned intervals In order to ensure that the ABMS continues to be suitable, adequate and effective
200 9.3.1 a Take into account The status of actions from the previous management review
201 9.3.1 b Take into account Changes in external and internal issues, cf. sub-clause 4.1
202 9.3.1 c Take into account ABMS performance information, including nonconformities and corrective actions, inspections, audit results, bribery reports, investigations, bribery risks
203 9.3.1 d Take into account The effectiveness of actions undertaken
204 9.3.1 e Take into account Improvement opportunities of the ABMS, cf. sub-clause 10.2
205 9.3.1 Include in the outputs of the top management review Decisions related to improvement opportunities of the ABMS
206 9.3.1 Report to the governing body (if any) A summary of the results of the top management review
207 9.3.1 Retain documents on the results As evidence of the results of top management review, cf. sub-clause 7.5
Governing body review
208 9.3.2 Undertake regular reviews of the ABMS based on information provided by top management On behalf of the governing body (if any)
209 9.3.2 Take into consideration the modifications of the relevant issues for the AABMS As evidence of the results of governing body review, cf. sub-clause 7.5
Review by anti-bribery compliance function
210 9.4 a Assess on a continual base whether the ABMS is adequate In order to manage effectively the bribery risks by the anti-bribery manager
211 9.4 b Assess on a continual base whether the ABMS is effectively implemented By the anti-bribery manager
212 9.4 Report, at planned intervals (at least once a year), to the governance body (if any) or to top management, on the adequacy and implementation of the ABMS Including the results of investigations and audits
213 10.1 a 1

React promptly to the nonconformity 

In order to control and correct it
214 10.1 a 2

React promptly to the nonconformity

In order to deal with the consequences
215 10.1 b 1

Evaluate if corrective action is needed 

By reviewing the nonconformity
216 10.1 b 2

Evaluate if corrective action is needed 

By determining the causes of the nonconformity
217 10.1 b 3

Evaluate if corrective action is needed 

By determining if similar nonconformities exist or could occur
218 10.1 c

Implement any action needed 

When it is necessary
219 10.1 d

Review the effectiveness of corrective actions 

220 10.1 e

Make changes to the ABMS 

If it is necessary
221 10.1

Perform corrective actions 

Appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities
222 10.1

Retain documents on the nature of the nonconformities

Cf. sub-clause 7.5
223 10.1

Retain documents on the results of the corrective actions

Cf. sub-clause 7.5
Continual improvement
224 10.2 Continue to improve the ABMS Implementing opportunities identified, cf. sub-clause 9.3