Wednesday, March 12 2025

Some outstanding books


Joseph M. Juran

Quality Control Handbook

McGraw-Hill 1951 (2016)

Armand V. Feigenbaum

Total Quality Control

McGraw-Hill 1951 (2015)

Kaoru Ishikawa

 Guide to Quality Control

Asian Productivity Organization 1976 (1991) 

Philip B. Crosby

Quality is free - The Art of Making Quality Certain

McGraw-Hill 1979 (1992)

Kaoru Ishikawa

What is Total Quality Control ? - The Japanese Way

Prentice hall 1981 (1991)

W. Edwards Deming

Out of the Crisis

The MIT Press 1982 (2000)

Philip B. Crosby

Quality Without Tears - The Art of Hassle-Free Management

McGraw-Hill 1984 (1995)

Masaaki Imai

Kaizen - The Key to Japan's Competitive Success

McGraw-Hill 1986

James H. Harrington

Poor-Quality Cost

Dekker 1987

Taiichi Ohno

Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production

Productivity Press 1988

David Hoyle

ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook

Routledge 1994 (2017)

Masaaki Imai

Gemba Kaizen - A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management

McGraw-Hill 1997 (2012)

Brian Carney, Issac Getz

Freedom, Inc. - Free Your Employees and Let Them Lead Your Business to Higher Productivity, Profits, and Growth

Crown Business 2009

Vineet Nayar

Employees First, Customers Second - Turning conventional management upside down

Harvard Business Press 2010

Frederic Laloux

Reinventing Organizations - A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness

Nelson Parker 2014

Christopher Paris

Surviving ISO 9001:2015 - What Went So Wrong with the World’s Foremost Quality Management Standard and How to Implement it Anyway

Oxebridge Quality Press 2019