ISO 45001 readiness free demo 2018 OH&S management system course

MCT Context of the organization T 18

Let's continue with this MCT (multiple-choice test) to see what you have learned about the context of the organization 
(One or more correct answers are possible)


1. Examples of interested parties:


1. The audit procedure contains, at minimum, instructions on how to:


2. External issues that may affect the company's performance are, among others:


2. The extent of the audit program, among other things, depends on:


3. The implementation of the audit program requires:


3. The number of requirements of ISO 45001 version 2018 is:


4. The audit report often contains:


4. The scope of the OH&SMS takes into account:


5. Improving the audit program takes into account the:


5. Internal issues that may affect the company's performance are, among others: