2 Standards, definitions and books T 20


2.1 Standards

Standards and regulations

Jokes on food safety


explicationsThe ISO 22000 family of standards contains:
European Union (directly applicable) regulations for a single food and feed hygiene policy can be downloaded from the Internet ("Hygiene Package"). Some regulations on which the guides of good hygiene practices (GBPH) are based are:
A free 2001 FAO training is available online under the title "Food Quality and Safety Systems - A Training Manual on Food Hygiene and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System". It contains a lot of explanations, examples and attached HACCP forms. 

All of these standards and many more can be ordered in electronic or paper format on the ISO site. 

More than 28,000 standards (in English and other languages) are available for free on the Public.Resource.Org site.

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2.2 Definitions

Terms and definitions


The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. Socrates

The definitions of ISO 9000 and ISO 22000 are fully applicable to the food safety management system.
Below are some definitions and specific acronyms:
Accident: undesired event causing death or health and environmental damages
CCP: critical control point
Conformity: fulfillment of a specified requirement
Control measure: activity to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard to the safety and suitability of the food or reduce it to an acceptable level
Control plan: document describing the specific provisions for carrying out the control of the product or the process
Documented information: any support allowing the treatment of information
Efficiency: financial relationship between achieved results and used resources
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FS: food safety
Food hygiene: means and conditions to control food hazards and to guarantee the food safety and suitability
Food safety management system: set of processes allowing food safety objectives to be achieved
Foodborne alert: information related to a food whose lack of treatment may have a potential adverse effect on the health of consumers
Foodborne crisis: risk situation, relating to foodstuffs that can create a collective concern
FSMS: food safety management system
Gap: noncompliance with a certain threshold
Good manufacturing practices: all the necessary preventive activities for food manufacturing under acceptable hygienic conditions
HACCP method: tool of reasoning that makes it possible to identify, evaluate and control the food safety hazards
HACCP system: the HACCP plan and the prerequisite programs for the control of food safety
Health quality: ability to satisfy and ensure optimal food safety
Incident: undesired event that can lead to deterioration of health
Stakeholder: person, group or company that can affect or be affected by an organization
oPRP: operational prerequisite program
Organization (company): a structure that satisfies a need
Performance: measurable and expected results of the management system
Problem: gap that must be reduced to get a result
PRP: prerequisite program
Requirement: explicit or implicit need or expectation
Risk: likelihood of occurrence of a threat or an opportunity
WHO: World Health Organization
Examples of stakeholders: investors, customers, employees, suppliers, citizens, social and political organizations

In the terminology of management systems, do not confuse:

Remark 1: the use of ISO 22000 and ISO 9000 definitions is recommended. The most important thing is to determine a common and unequivocal vocabulary for everyone in the company.

Remark 2: the customer can also be the user, the beneficiary, the trigger, the ordering party or the consumer.

Remark 3: documented information is any information that we must maintain (procedure ) or retain (record ).

For other definitions, comments, explanations and interpretations that you don’t find in this module and annex 06, you can consult: explications record

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2.3 Books

Books on food safety


explicationsBooks for further reading:

When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness. Jules Renard

 Minute of relaxation. Game: Procedure

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