4 Context                               pdca p


4.1 The organization and its context

External and internal issues that can influence the ISMS

Requirement 1 (see also the quiz)


The two most important things in a company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people. Henry Ford

Integrating ISMS requirementsexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2) into business processes ensures that stakeholders (i.e. customers) control the risks associated with information security. Adopting these requirementsexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2) is a strategic top management decision.

To successfully implement an information security management system, it is necessary to understand and assess everything that can influence the purpose and performance of the organizationa structure that satisfies a need (see also ISO 9000, 3.3.1). An example of determining the issues is given in sub-clause 5.4.1 of ISO 31000. It is advisable to engage in in-depth reflection after a few essential activities:

Each issue is identified by its level of influence and control. Priority is given to issues that are very influential and not at all under control. External and internal issues, cf. D 10v22record

PESTEL and SWOT analyses (our strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) can be useful for a relevant analysis of the context of the organization (see annex 05). A SWOT analysis helps to understand our business environment. It also allows us to identify internal and external problems, which could have an impact on information security. record

smileyMinute of relaxation. Game: Context of the company

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4.2 Needs and expectations of stakeholders

Understand the requirements of stakeholders

Requirements 2 to 4


There is only one valid definition of a business purpose: to create a customer. Peter Drucker

To understand the needs and expectations of stakeholders, we must begin by determining those who may be affected by the information security management system, for example:

The list of stakeholders is created by a multidisciplinary team. Every stakeholder is determind by its level of influence and control. Priority is given to stakeholders with great influence and poor control. List of interested parties., cf. D 10v22record

The requirements of stakeholders, which change over time, are reviewed regularly (see the Maintain regulatory watch process). process record

True story 

The customer is king but we still can fight against rudeness. This example is from the restaurant La petite Syrah in Nice and its coffee prices:

“A coffee”...................................7 €
“A coffee, please”...............4,25 €
“Hello, a coffee, please”....1,40 €

Anticipating the reasonable and relevant needs and expectations of stakeholders involves:

When a requirementexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2) is accepted, it becomes an internal requirementexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2) of the ISMS.

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4.3 Scope of the ISMS

Define the scope of the ISMS

Requirements 5 to 9


In many areas, the winner is the one who is best informed. André Muller

The scope (or in other words, the perimeter) of the information security management system is defined and validated by top management.

The Statement of Applicability - SoA (cf. sub-clause 6.1.3 and annex 07) allows us to: record

Each control of the statement of applicability is directly linked to the treatment of a risk.

To properly determine the scope of the ISMS, the specificities of the context of the organizationa structure that satisfies a need (see also ISO 9000, 3.3.1) are taken into account such as:

The Scope of the ISMS is available as a document, cf. D 10v22. It includes the scope (limits and interfaces):record

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4.4 ISMS

ISMS requirements, processes and interactions

Requirement 10


The requirementsexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2) of the ISO 27001 standard are linked to the control of:

To do this:

The information security manual is not a requirementexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2) of the ISO 27001 standard, but it is always a possible method to present the organizationa structure that satisfies a need (see also ISO 9000, 3.3.1), its ISMS and its procedures, policies and processes (see annex 08). record

The ISO guide “The integrated use of management system standards” of 2018, contains relevant recommendations on the integration of management systems.

point Pitfalls to avoid:

The requirements of the ISO 27001 standard are shown in figures 4-1 and the dedicated page:


Figure 4-1. The requirements of the ISO 27001 standard

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The rest of the T 24v22 ISO 27001 readiness version 2022 training is accessible on this page.

See also the training T 44v22 Internal audit ISO 27001 and the training package ISO 27001.

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