Case: Selecting suppliers T 63


How to select a supplier without an audit

Scope: Production company

Target group: Purchasing manager, sales manager, QSE manager


Mr. Theelbow, purchasing manager of Nicetoy company, must select suppliers (external providers) for a new raw material for the wheels of the new toy PX1.

Among the 10 potential suppliers contacted, 3 declined to be audited.

Mr. Theelbow meets with Mr. Thenose, QSE manager, and Ms. Thethumb, sales manager, to decide how to evaluate and select at least two suppliers for this raw material.



How should suppliers be selected and should we exclude the three who declined to be audited?

Solution 1. Select suppliers only among those who agree to be audited

Solution 2. Select suppliers according to several criteria one of which is auditing

Solution 3. Select suppliers according to criteria, in which auditing is not included


Possible answers