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Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

1.     A design and development file for each medical device type or medical device family shall be maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

2.     A documented procedure for planning of realization processes shall be maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

3.     A documented procedure for the control of outsourced processes shall be maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

4.     A member of management shall have the responsibility and authority to ensure that processes needed for the QMS are documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

5.     A procedure to describe the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits and recording and reporting audit results shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

6.     A quality manual shall be documented and include the scope of the QMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

7.     A quality manual shall be included in the QMS documentation

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

8.     A risk based approach to the control of the appropriate processes needed for the QMS shall be applied

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

9.     A risk management process shall be established

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

10.  Action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence shall be taken

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

11.  Action to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

12.  Any outsourced process that affects product conformity shall be monitored and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

13.  Any processes for production and service provision where the resulting output cannot be verified shall be validated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

14.  Any requirement, procedure, activity or arrangement required to be documented shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

15.  Appropriate communication processes shall be established

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

16.  Arrangements for communicating with customers shall be planned and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

17.  Arrangements for the control of contaminated or potentially contaminated product shall be planned and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

18.  Changes to documents shall be reviewed and approved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

19.  Clinical evaluations or performance evaluations of the medical device shall be performed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

20.  Criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

21.  Criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers shall be established

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

22.  Customer and applicable regulatory requirements shall be determined and met

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

23.  Customer property provided for use or incorporation into the product shall be identified, verified, protected and safeguarded

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

24.  Design and development reviews shall be performed at suitable stages

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

25.  Design and development validation plans shall be

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

26.  Design and development verification plans shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

27.  Documents of external origin shall be approved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

28.  Documents required by the QMS shall be controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

29.  For each medical device type or medical device family one or more files shall be established and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

30.  For sterile medical devices, requirements for control of contamination shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

31.  Information relating to customer satisfaction shall be gathered and monitored

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

32.  Infrastructure needed to achieve product conformity shall be monitored

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

33.  Internal audits shall be conducted at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

34.  Methods for protecting confidential health information shall be defined and implemented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

35.  Nonconforming product shall be accepted by concession only if the justification is provided, approval is obtained and applicable regulatory requirements are met

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

36.  One or more processes for risk management in product realization shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

37.  Procedures for design and development shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

38.  Procedures for issuing advisory notices shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

39.  Procedures for management review shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

40.  Procedures for preserving the conformity of product during processing, storage, handling and distribution shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

41.  Procedures for product identification throughout product realization shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

42.  Procedures for providing notification to the appropriate regulatory authorities shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

43.  Procedures for the feedback process shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

44.  Procedures for the transfer of design and development outputs to manufacturing shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

45.  Procedures for the validation of processes for sterilization and sterile barrier systems shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

46.  Procedures for the validation of the application of computer software used in the QMS shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

47.  Procedures for the validation of the application of computer software used in production and service provision shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

48.  Procedures for the validation of the application of computer software used for the monitoring and measurement shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

49.  Procedures for timely complaint handling shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

50.  Procedures for traceability shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

51.  Procedures for validation of processes shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

52.  Procedures to control design and development changes shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

53.  Procedures to determine, collect and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

54.  Procedures to ensure that medical devices returned are identified and distinguished from conforming product shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

55.  Procedures to ensure that purchased product conforms to specified purchasing information shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

56.  Process mapping shall be established and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

57.  Product acceptance criteria shall be contained in the design and development outputs

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

58.  Product which does not conform to product requirements shall be identified and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

59.  Production and service provision shall be planned, carried out, monitored and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

60.  Purchasing information shall describe the product to be purchased and include product specifications

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

61.  Purchasing information shall describe the product to be purchased and include requirements for product acceptance

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

62.  Quality objectives shall be established at relevant functions and levels

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

63.  Records of design and development inputs shall be retained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

64.  Records of the sterilization process parameters used for each sterilization batch shall be retained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

65.  Records shall be retained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

66.  Requirements for cleanliness of product or contamination control of product shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

67.  Requirements for medical device installation shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

68.  Requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended use shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

69.  Requirements specified by the customer shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

70.  Responsibilities and authorities shall be defined, documented and communicated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

71.  Rework shall be performed in accordance with documented procedures

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

72.  Servicing procedures, reference materials and reference measurements shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

73.  Suitable methods for monitoring and, where appropriate, measurement of the QMS processes shall be used

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

74.  Suppliers of distribution services or distributors shall retain records required for traceability

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

75.  The availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes shall be ensured

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

76.  The characteristics of the product shall be monitored and measured

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

77.  The design and development of product shall be planned and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

78.  The design and development planning stages shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

79.  The identity of personnel performing any inspection or testing of implantable medical devices shall be recorded

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

80.  The inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified purchasing requirements shall be established and implemented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

81.  The monitoring and measurement activities and equipment shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

82.  The planning of the QMS shall be carried out in order to meet ISO 13485 and applicable regulatory requirements

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

83.  The process for establishing competence, providing needed training and ensuring awareness of personnel shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

84.  The processes needed for product realization shall be planned and developed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

85.  The processes needed for the QMS and the application of these processes shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

86.  The QMS processes shall be managed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 13485 and applicable regulatory requirements

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

87.  The QMS shall be documented and its effectiveness maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

88.  The quality manual shall be approved by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

89.  The quality policy shall be applicable to the purpose of the organization

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

90.  The quality policy shall provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

91.  The requirements for the infrastructure needed to achieve conformity shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

92.  The requirements for the maintenance activities shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

93.  The requirements for the work environment needed to achieve conformity shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

94.  The requirements related to product shall be reviewed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

95.  The resources needed to implement the QMS shall be determined and provided

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

96.  The review of requirements related to product shall be conducted prior committing to supply product to the customer

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

97.  The roles undertaken by the organization under the applicable regulatory requirements shall be documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016



ISO 13485

98.  Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the QMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016

ISO 13485

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