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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

1.     A risk management process shall be established

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

2.     A specific top management representative shall be appointed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

3.     Actions to address significant environmental aspects, compliance obligations and identified risks and opportunities shall be planned

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

4.     Calibrated or verified monitoring and measurement equipment shall be used and maintained as appropriate

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

5.     Compliance obligations related to environmental aspects shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

6.     Documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the EMS shall be included in the EMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

7.     Documented information required by the EMS and ISO 14001 shall be controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

8.     Documented information to plan monitoring and measuring shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

9.     Documents of external origin shall be approved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

10.  Environmental performance shall be monitored, measured, analysed and evaluated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

11.  Environmental policy shall be communicated only to all staff

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

12.  How environmental objectives will be achieved shall be planned

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

13.  Interested parties, their needs and expectations shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

14.  Internal audits shall be conducted at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

15.  Nonconformities shall be controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

16.  Operations associated with significant environmental aspects shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

17.  Opportunities for improvement shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

18.  Planned changes shall be controlled and the consequences of unintended changes reviewed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

19.  Potential emergency situations shall be determined in the scope of the EMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

20.  Process mapping shall be established and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

21.  The aspects that have or can have a significant environmental impact shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

22.  The EMS and the processes needed shall be established, implemented, maintained and continually improved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

23.  The environmental aspects of activities, products and services shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

24.  The environmental manual shall be validated by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

25.  The environmental objectives shall be consistent with the environmental policy, measurable, monitored, communicated and updated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

26.  The environmental objectives shall be established

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

27.  The environmental policy shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

28.  The environmental policy shall be maintained, communicated and available

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

29.  The external and internal issues shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

30.  The internal audit program shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

31.  The management review shall be conducted at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

32.  The necessary competence of persons doing work that affects the environmental performance shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

33.  The personnel shall be made aware of the environmental policy, the significant environmental aspects, the importance of their contribution to the effectiveness of the EMS and the implications of not meeting the requirements of the EMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

34.  The process needed for communication relevant to the EMS shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

35.  The process needed to evaluate fulfilment of compliance obligations shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

36.  The process needed to prepare for and respond to potential emergency situations shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

37.  The processes needed to meet EMS requirements shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

38.  The relevant environmental requirements shall be communicated to external providers

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

39.  The resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the EMS shall be determined and provided

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

40.  The responsibilities and authorities shall be assigned and communicated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

41.  The risks and opportunities related to environmental aspects and compliance obligations shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

42.  The scope of the EMS shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

43.  The suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS shall be continually improved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

44.  Top management shall demonstrate leadership

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015



ISO 14001

45.  Top management shall take accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 14001 v 2015 standard?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015

ISO 14001

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