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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       1       A hazard analysis shall be performed by the food safety team to determine the hazards to be controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       2       A hazard control plan shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       3       A monitoring method shall be established at each CCP to detect any failure to remain within critical limits

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       4       A monitoring method shall be established for each oPRP to detect failure to meet action criterion

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       5       A risk management process shall be established

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       6       Actions to address risks shall be planned

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       7       Actions to address risks shall be proportionate to the impact on food safety requirements

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       8       Actions to prevent the entry of dangerous products into the food chain shall be undertaken unless the food safety hazards have been reduced to acceptable levels defined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

       9       All food safety statutory and regulatory requirements for end products shall be identified

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     10     All food safety statutory and regulatory requirements for raw materials, ingredients and materials in contact with the product shall be identified

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     11     All persons concerned shall be aware of the food safety policy

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     12     All persons concerned shall be made aware of the importance of their contribution to the effectiveness of the FSMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     13     All reasonably foreseeable food safety hazards shall be identified and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     14     An analysis of the verification results shall be conducted by the food safety team

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     15     An audit program shall be planned, established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     16     Applicable statutory, regulatory and customer requirements shall be identified when selecting or developing PRPs

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     17     Appropriate actions to identify and eliminate the causes of detected nonconformities shall be established and maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     18     Buildings and associated facilities shall be considered when developing PRPs

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     19     Calibration and verification results shall be retained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     20     Control of external providers shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     21     Corrections to nonconforming products and processes shall be retained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     22     Criteria for evaluation, selection and monitoring of external providers shall be established and applied

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     23     Data from the monitoring of oPRPs and CCPs shall be evaluated by competent persons with authority to initiate corrections and corrective actions

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     24     Decisions on opportunities for continual improvement shall be included in the output of the management review

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     25     Documented information of external origin shall be approved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     26     Documented information of external origin shall be identified and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     27     Documented information on food safety objectives shall be retained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     28     Documented information on raw materials, ingredients and materials in contact with the product shall be maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     29     Documented information on raw materials, ingredients and materials in contact with the product shall include the biological, chemical and physical characteristics

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     30     Documented information to retain shall be protected from unintended alterations

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     31     Each food safety hazard shall be assessed according to its probability of occurrence and the severity of its adverse effects

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     32     Effective communication shall be established, implemented and maintained with the statutory and regulatory authorities

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     33     Evaluation activities of external providers shall be retained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     34     Evidence of the appropriateness of the monitoring and measurement methods and equipment used shall be provided

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     35     External and internal issues that influence the results of the FSMS shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     36     Flow diagrams shall include sequence and interaction of operating steps

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     37     Flow diagrams shall include where raw materials, ingredients, processing aids, packaging materials, utilities and intermediate products enter the flow

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     38     Food safety objectives shall be established at relevant functions and levels

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     39     Food safety objectives shall be measurable

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     40     Food safety objectives shall take into account food safety requirements

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     41     Food safety team members shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, initial training or relevant experience

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     42     Food safety team members shall have multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience in the development and application of a FSMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     43     FSMS changes shall be made on a planned basis

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     44     Handling of emergencies and incidents shall include external communication

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     45     Handling of emergencies and incidents shall include internal communication

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     46     Information on interested parties shall be identified, reviewed and updated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     47     Information on the performance and effectiveness of the FSMS shall be taken into account during the management review

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     48     Infrastructure needed for the FSMS shall be monitored

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     49     Initial documented information shall be collected, maintained and updated for hazard analysis

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     50     Intended use, unplanned use, misuse, expected handling and improper handling of the end product shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     51     Intended use, unplanned use, misuse, expected handling and mishandling of the end product shall be taken into consideration

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     52     Internal and external communication needs shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     53     Internal audits shall be performed at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     54     Leadership and commitment of top management shall be demonstrated by ensuring that the resources required for the FSMS are available

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     55     Leadership and commitment of top management shall be demonstrated by ensuring that food safety policy and objectives are established and consistent with the strategic direction of the organization

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     56     Leadership and commitment of top management shall be demonstrated by promoting continual improvement

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     57     Outsourced processes shall be controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     58     Planned and unintended changes shall be controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     59     Preventive measures against cross-contamination shall be taken into account when preparing PRPs

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     60     Process description shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     61     Process mapping shall be established and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     62     Product flow diagrams, categories and food safety processes shall be established, maintained and updated as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     63     Products affected by failure to remain within critical limits at CCOs shall be handled as nonconforming products and shall not be released

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     64     Provisions shall be in place to respond to potential emergencies or potential incidents

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     65     PRPs shall be appropriate to the organization and its food safety context

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     66     PRPs shall be approved by the food safety team

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     67     PRPs shall be established, applied, maintained and updated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     68     Resources for maintaining the FSMS infrastructure shall be provided

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     69     Resources for the maintenance of the FSMS working environment shall be determined, provided and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     70     Resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, updating and continual improvement of the FSMS safety shall be determined and provided

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     71     Responsibilities and role authorities shall be assigned, communicated and understood internally

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     72     Results of the classification of control measures shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     73     Risks shall be determined in order to enhance desirable effects

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     74     Risks shall be determined to give assurance that the FSMS can achieve its intended results

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     75     Risks shall be determined to reduce undesired effects

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     76     Sufficient information shall be available to interested parties

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     77     Sufficient information shall be provided externally

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     78     The acceptable level of food safety hazards identified in the end product shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     79     The accuracy of the flow diagrams shall be confirmed in situ by the food safety team

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     80     The application and effectiveness of withdrawals and recalls shall be kept as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     81     The characteristics of the end products shall be updated, if necessary, after establishing the hazard control plan

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     82     The corrections and critical actions to be taken shall be specified when critical limits or action criterion are not met in order to identify the cause of nonconformity

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     83     The disposition of nonconforming products shall be retained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     84     The distribution of the end product shall be taken into account when establishing and applying the traceability system

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     85     The documented information on the characteristics of end products shall include the intended shelf life and storage conditions

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     86     The documented information on the characteristics of the end products shall include the product name and the biological, chemical and physical characteristics

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     87     The documented information required by the statutory authorities, the regulatory authorities and by the customers shall be included in the FSMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     88     The documented information shall be reviewed and, if necessary, updated after the occurrence of an incident or emergency

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     89     The documented information that the organization deems necessary for the effectiveness of the FSMS shall be included in the FSMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     90     The effectiveness of the traceability system shall be verified and tested

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     91     The externally provided FSMS elements shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22000

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     92     The externally provided FSMS elements shall be retained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     93     The food safety manual shall be approved by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     94     The food safety policy shall be appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     95     The food safety policy shall be communicated only internally

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     96     The food safety policy shall be communicated, understood and applied internally

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     97     The food safety policy shall be established, implemented, maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     98     The food safety policy shall provide a framework for setting food safety objectives

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

     99     The food safety team leader shall report on the effectiveness of the FSMS to top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    100    The food safety team shall be informed in a timely manner of any changes made to customer requirements

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    101    The food safety team shall be informed in good time about changes made to products and raw materials

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    102    The FSMS and the necessary processes and their interactions shall be established, applied, maintained, updated and improved continually

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    103    The FSMS shall be updated continually

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    104    The FSMS update activities shall be included as input to the management review

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    105    The hazard control plan shall be applied and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    106    The identification and description of the documented information shall be ensured when it is created and updated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    107    The limits and applicability of the FSMS shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    108    The management review shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
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Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    109    The necessary resources shall be determined when planning how the food safety objectives will be achieved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    110    The performance and effectiveness of the FSMS shall be evaluated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    111    The persons necessary to operate and maintain an effective FSMS shall be competent

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    112    The processes necessary to meet the requirements of safe products shall be planned, implemented, controlled, maintained and updated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    113    The purpose of the changes and their consequences shall be taken into account

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    114    The rationale for determining critical limits at CCPs and action criteria for oPRPs shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    115    The responsibility and authority of the food safety team shall be assigned by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    116    The results of any corrective action taken shall be retained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    117    The results of monitoring and measurement shall be analyzed and evaluated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    118    The scope of the FSMS shall be available and maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    119    The scope of the SFMS shall include the processes, products and services that can influence the food safety of the end products

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    120    The selected control measures shall be classified as oPRP or CCP

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    121    The selected control measures shall be validated by the food safety team

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    122    The steps at which food safety hazards can be present, introduced, increased or persisted shall be identified

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    123    The suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the FSMS shall be continually improved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    124    The withdrawal and recall of any lot of end products identified as hazardous shall be guaranteed by appointing the person with the authority to do so

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    125    Top management shall review the FSMS at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    126    Validation activities of software used for monitoring and measurement shall be maintained as documented information

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    127    Verification activities shall not be performed by the person responsible for monitoring these activities

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    128    Verification of PRPs and hazard control plan shall be established, implemented and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    129    What needs to be monitored and measured shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    130    When a nonconformity occurs, responsible persons shall react to the nonconformity and deal with the consequences

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    131    When action criteria for oPRPs are not met the food safety consequences of this failure shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018



ISO 22000

    132     When the critical limits at CCPs or action criteria for oPRPs are not met, the products concerned shall be identified and their use and release controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 22000 standard version 2018?
In which clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
In which sub-clause is this requirement?
Next question

Quiz requirements ISO 22000 version 2018

ISO 22000

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