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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




1.    A disciplinary process shall be formalized and communicated to take actions against personnel

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




2.    A member of management shall be appointed management representative

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




3.    Access to external websites shall be managed to reduce exposure to malicious content

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




4.    An inventory of information and other associated assets shall be developed and maintained

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




5.    Background verification checks on all candidates shall be carried out prior to joining the organization

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




6.    Backup copies of information, software and systems shall be maintained and regularly tested

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




7.    Boundaries and applicability of the ISMS scope shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




8.    Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements shall be identified, documented, regularly reviewed and signed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




9.    Conflicting duties and conflicting areas of responsibility shall be segregated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




10. Control of monitoring and measuring equipment shall be determined

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




11. Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




12. Documented information of external origin shall be approved

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




13. Documented information of external origin shall be identified as appropriate and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




14. Information passing through e-mail shall be monitored by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




15. Information processing facilities shall be protected from power failures and other disruptions

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




16. Information relating to information security threats shall be collected and analyzed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




17. Information security incidents shall be responded to in accordance with documented procedures

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




18. Information security objectives shall be communicated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




19. Information security policy and topic-specific policies shall be defined and approved by management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




20. Information security roles and responsibilities shall be defined and allocated according to the organization needs

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




21. Information shall be classified according to the information security needs of the organization

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




22. Information shall be deleted when no longer required

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




23. Information transfer rules, procedures, or agreements shall be put in place

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




24. Networks and network devices shall be secured, managed and controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




25. Persons doing work under the organization’s control shall be aware of the information security policy

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




26. Physical security for offices, rooms and facilities shall be designed and implemented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




27. Physical security for offices, rooms and facilities shall be validated by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




28. Premises shall be continuously monitored for unauthorized physical access

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




29. Procedures and measures shall be implemented to securely manage software installation

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




30. Process mapping shall be established and documented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




31. Read and write access to source code shall be appropriately managed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




32. Relevant information security requirements shall be established with each supplier

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




33. Rules for the acceptable use and procedures for handling information shall be identified, documented and implemented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




34. Rules to control physical and logical access shall be established and implemented

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




35. Secure coding principles shall be applied to software development

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




36. Security testing processes shall be defined and implemented during the development life cycle

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




37. Storage media shall be managed throughout their life cycle

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




38. The access control policy shall be validated by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




39. The allocation and use of privileged access rights shall be restricted and managed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




40. The changes to the ISMS shall be carried out in a planned manner

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




41. The full life cycle of identities shall be managed

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




42. The management review shall include consideration of feedback from interested parties

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




43. The management review shall include consideration of opportunities for continual improvement

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




44. The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




45. The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the ISMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




46. The organization shall define and apply an information security risk assessment process

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




47. The organization shall define and apply an information security risk treatment process

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




48. The organization shall define the audit criteria and the scope for each audit

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




49. The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the ISMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




50. The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




51. The organization shall determine interested parties that are relevant to the ISMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




52. The organization shall determine the need for internal and external communications

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




53. The organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products or services are controlled

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




54. The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an ISMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




55. The organization shall evaluate the information security performance

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




56. The organization shall identify and meet the requirements regarding the preservation of privacy

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




57. The organization shall implement appropriate procedures to protect intellectual property rights

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




58. The organization shall implement the information security risk treatment plan

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




59. The organization shall keep documented information about its communication

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




60. The organization shall keep documented information about its context

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




61. The organization shall keep documented information on continual improvement

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




62. The organization shall maintain documented information on management leadership

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




63. The organization shall perform information security risk assessments at planned intervals

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




64. The organization shall plan how to maintain information security during disruption

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




65. The organization shall provide a mechanism for personnel to report information security events

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




66. The organization shall regularly monitor, review, evaluate and manage change in supplier information security practices

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




67. The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




68. The organization shall retain documented information of the results of the information security risk treatment

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




69. The organization shall retain documented information on staff awareness

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




70. The organization shall retain documented information on the information security objectives

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




71. The organization’s ISMS shall include documented information required by ISO 27001

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




72. The policy for the use of cryptographic measures shall be validated by top management

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




73. The results of the management review shall include decisions related to continual improvement opportunities

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




74. Top management demonstrate leadership and commitment

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




75. Top management shall confirm their commitment to customer orientation

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




76. Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the ISMS

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




77. Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities are assigned and communicated

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




78. Top management shall establish the information security policy

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022




79. When a nonconformity occurs, the organization shall react to the nonconformity, and as applicable take action to control and correct it

Is it a requirement of the ISO 27001 standard version 2022?
In which clause or annex is this requirement?
In which sub-clause or annex is this requirement?
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Quiz requirements ISO 27001 version 2022


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