T 60D - Free demo course - E-Learning - Happiness in the liberated company
Free demo course - E-Learning (online course) - Happiness in the liberated company
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E-Learning (online course) - Happiness in the liberated company
Discover the Happiness in the liberated company training and
- identify the stakes
- understand the requirements
- identify the principles
- master the tools
Get used to
- happiness at work
- the terminlogy
- liberated company documents
- the company
- practices
- leadership
- methods
- specific approaches
- toolbox
The important and fundamental elements of happiness in the liberated company
- hierarchy of needs
- motivation
- types of companies
- customer loyalty
- changes
- risks
- suggestions
- rewards
- Kaizen
- Lean
- wastes
- tool families
The menu of the course
- Presentation
- MCT (multiple-choice test) Beginning (10 questions)
- 1 Happiness at work
- 1.1 Find your happiness
- 1.2 Hierarchy of needs
- 1.3 Theory X and theory Y
- 1.4 Promote motivation
- 1.5 Involve staff
- MCT Happiness at work (7 questions)
- 2 Definitions and books
- 2.1 Definitions
- 2.2 Books
- 3 The company
- 3.1 Types of companies
- 3.2 Liberated company
- Case Delegate work
- MCT The company (7 questions)
- 4 Practices
- 4.1 Good practices
- 4.2 Solve problems
- 4.3 Future of the quality
- Case Root cause
- MCT Practices (6 questions)
- 5 Leadership
- 5.1 Mission
- 5.2 Role
- 5.3 Competence and experience
- 5.4 Knowledge and aptitude
- 5.5 Qualities
- Case Work wear
- MCT Leadership (10 questions)
- 6 Methods
- 6.1 Build customer loyalty
- 6.2 Consolidate suppliers
- 6.3 Implement changes
- 6.4 Manage risks
- 6.5 Successful communication
- 6.6 Support suggestions
- 6.7 Manage rewards
- Case Interested parties
- Case Task priority
- Case Change
- Case Customer and need
- Case Communication
- MCT Methods (8 questions)
- 7 Specific approaches
- 7.1 FMEA
- 7.2 Kaizen
- 7.3 COQ
- 7.4 Lean
- 7.5 The 8 wastes
- Case Data gathering
- Case COQ distribution
- Case Kaizen and problem
- MCT Specific approaches (10 questions)
- 8 Toolbox
- 8.1 Tool families
- 8.2 Quality control tools
- 8.3 QMS tools
- 8.4 PRS tools
- 8.5 Lean tools
- Case Nonconformity
- Case Customer and special order
- Case Process stability
- MCT Toolbox (8 questions)
- MCT End (20 questions)
E-Learning - Happiness in the liberated company
Which companies are liberated?
The map of some of the liberated companies is on this page: website
How to free your business?
There is no set path, everyone must undertake their own journey, at their own pace
We can draw inspiration from numerous testimonies such as FAVI, Chronoflex, Poult, Gore, SEMCO, Whole Foods, SOL, Southwest Airlines
What approach should I use?
The most used approaches are Kaizen, Lean
What tools to use?
The tools are numerous
Everyone must choose from the toolbox the most judicious for their business
Objective of the module: Participate in the release of energies in the company to be able to:
• thrive at work
• make work more attractive
• contribute to the happiness of all
Anyone involved in the transformation of the company into a liberated company:
- director
- QSE manager
- design office manager
- methods manager
- quality manager
- metrology manager
- maintenance manager
- administrator
- manager
- leader
- project manager
- product manager
- coach
- mentor
- facilitator
- consultant
- design office staff
- developer
- animator
- quality technician
- quality assistant
- operator
- student
21 hours online on average (according to knowledge and aptitudes, this duration can vary individually). One hour of online training is equivalent to at least 2 hours of training on the spot.
Acquire the techniques to participate in the liberation of the company:
- master the theory of happiness at work
- master the theory of business types
- apply good practices
- understand leadership
- apply the methods
- apply specific procedures
- use the different tools
Methods and tools
- dedicated Internet site
- specific online training module
- Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
- your training history:
- the time you have passed on each clause and sub-clause of the module
- the record of the score of all your trials of the MCTs (multiple-choice tests)
- level test at beginning of the training
- MCTs with comments, notes on a 20 point scale and recommendations
- videos
- true stories
- case studies
- tools
- wastes
- jokes
- games
- online tutorial :
- a follow up of acquired material and the progress of each trainee
- online or by e-mail within 24 hours
- personalized answers to questions
- advice and recommendations about documents, books and useful links
- delivered certificate of attendance and mastery at the end of the training (example)
Access to the course is 60 days from the date of validation of your order. This period will be renewed for free upon a simple request within 6 months
Ricardo Semler at Zappos - Ask things three times in a row 1' 02"
Ricardo Semler at Zappos - What we do with our lives is far from wise 1' 09"
It's utopian and naive - Myth 01 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 09
The power of information in organizations by Ricardo Semler 1' 18"
It's not sustainable - Myth 05 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 20"
It creates anarchy - Myth 02 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 25"
It only works if I change everything - Myth 09 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 26"
It's not scalable - Myth 03 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 33"
It's too expensive - Myth 06 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 46"
There are many compliance risks - Myth 08 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 1' 58"
It takes too long - Myth 10 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 2' 10"
It's oldfashioned - Myth 04 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 3' 02"
There is a lot of wasted time - Myth 07 about Democratic Management by Ricardo Semler 3' 05"
Open salaries and financial results by Ricardo Semler 4' 13"
"The Metamorphosis" by Ricardo Semler 6' 33"
Ricardo Semler's advice for transforming the way you lead 7' 20"
How Brazil has taken worker's rights to a new level 13' 57"
Ricardo Semler's Top 10 Rules For Success 15' 08"
Ricardo Semler - ABC "Interview with Semco's business guru" 20' 05"
Ricardo Semler: Radical wisdom for a company, a school, a life 21' 47"
Ricardo Semler - Leading by Omission 48' 37"
Interview Ricardo Semler 1h 27' 20"
Niels Pflaeging:
In Korea 16' 11"
Organize for Complexity with Niels Pflaeging 18' 01"
Interview Niels Pflaeging 18' 50"
Niels Pflaeging @ Stoos Connect! 25' 25"
Using Real-Time Financial Benchmarks to Drive Dynamic Planning, and Real-time Action 55' 20"
Opening keynote: Niels Pflaeging - Bye-bye Management! 1h 02' 19"
Does Organizational Design Influence Engagement and Performance? 1h 17' 54"
John Mackey:
What is the Purpose of Business? - John Mackey of Whole Foods Market 6' 21"
Whole Foods Co-CEO John Mackey Interview - Obamacare is.....? 18' 44"
Big Think Interview With John Mackey 28' 45"
John Mackey on Whole Foods, Conscious Capitalism, and Life Beyond the Profit Motive 44' 02"
John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, debates David Kelley 55' 00"
John Mackey: "Conscious Capitalism", Authors at Google 59' 12"
Conscious Capitalism with John Mackey Co-founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market 59' 40"
Conscious capitalism:
Conscious Capitalism: Higher Purpose 2' 33"
Conscious Capitalism: Stakeholder Orientation 2' 19"
Conscious Capitalism: Conscious Leadership 1' 51"
Conscious Capitalism: Conscious Culture 1' 48"
Reimagining Capitalism with Higher Consciousness: Raj Sisodia at TEDxNewEngland 19' 33"
Jurgen Appelo Management 3.0:
#Workout: Personal Maps Build Closeness in Agile Teams 4' 20"
#Workout: Happiness door 5' 36"
#Workout: Celebration Grids Celebrate Learning 5' 25"
#Workout: Gratitude is True Intrinsic Motivation, Send a Kudo Today! 5' 14"
Daniel Pink:
Video Review for Drive by Dan Pink 5' 38"
Dan Pink: Drive -- Our Motivations are Unbelievably Interesting 10' 47"
Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation 18' 36"
Vineet Nayar:
Vineet Nayar president HCL Technologies Limited 8' 39"
Employees first, customers second | Vineet Nayar | TEDxAix 18' 01"
Employees first, customers second: turning conventional management upside down 1h 07' 10"
Terri Kelly: W.L. Gore's Original Management Model 8' 39"
Nurturing a Vibrant Culture to Drive Innovation 54' 35"
Shawn Achor:
Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work 12' 20"
Shawn Achor, "Before Happiness" - Talks at Google 1h 00' 10"
Une équipe qui se gère elle-même 3' 40"
Video Review for The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson 4' 13"
Stan Richards: 2010 JA Dallas Business Hall of Fame Laureate 4' 24"
Video Review for 'Good To Great by Jim Collins' 5' 23"
Video Review for Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh 6' 10"
Video Review for Switch by Chip and Dan Heath 7' 54"
What Does 'Lead with LUV' Mean? 8' 13"
Video Review for Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson 8' 28"
Lean and Agile Adoption with the Laloux Culture Model 9' 21"
All work and all play 10' 06"
The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP 12' 50"
Liberate your company!: Isaac Getz at TEDxESCP 14' 14"
Beyond empowerment - are we ready for the self-managed organization? Doug Kirkpatrick at TEDxChico 15' 32"
Gary Hamel Reinventing the technology of Human Accomplishment 16' 43"
Six keys to leading positive change: Rosabeth Moss Kanter at TEDxBeaconStreet 17' 35"
How Great Leaders Serve Others: David Marquet at TEDxScottAFB 18' 04"
Presenting the ideas of Reinventing Organizations to His Holiness the Dalai Lama 24' 31"
- Alexis Monville
- Appel à plus de bienveillance au travail
- Autopsy.io
- Avenir-cohérence
- Barrett Values Centre
- Brigitte Quinton
- Centre des jeunes dirigeants d'entreprise
- Collective org
- Conscious capitalism
- Delivering Happiness
- De quels leaders avons-nous besoin?
- Dire et écrire
- Entrepreneurs d'avenir
- Entreprise libérée (Isaak Getz)
- Ekilium (articles)
- Fabrique Spinoza (think-tank)
- Freedom, Inc. (the book)
- Happiness Day
- Happyformance
- Harvard Business Review France
- I done this
- Imatech / Le chemin de la confiance
- Innovation managériale
- Institut de l'entreprise
- Ithaque coaching
- Kronos
- L'aventure du groupe inov-On
- Lee M Ozley
- L'entreprise collaborative
- Les Français sont-ils heureux au travail ?
- Les usines du futur
- L'entreprise libérée : pour ou contre ?
- Libérté et Cie (le livre)
- L'organisation libérée
- Miss Philomene
- MOM21
- Nicolas Cordier
- Organize for complexity
- Réinventer les organisations
- Réussite partagée (Arnaud Gérard)
- Terra femina
- Travail et qualité de vie
- Vivementlundi
- World Blu / Freedom at work
Here is a MCT (Multiple-choice test) to evaluate, before beginning, the level of your knowledge for this course. (One or more correct answers are possible). You can start again as many times you wish.
1. Conditions for finding happiness at work:
2. In the traditional company:
3. Examples of good practices:
4. Ways for the leader to fulfill his mission:
5. The "ideal" leader, among others:
6. Tips for retaining your customer:
7. To successfully communicate, the right questions to ask:
8. FMEA is an approach:
9. The optimum of the COQ:
10. Some "mega" tools: