ISO 13485 version 2016 requirements, medical devices, quality management systems
Quiz requirements ISO 13485 version 2016 You want to familiarize yourself with the structure of the standard, identify and understand the requirements of ISO 13485 version 2016, then it's up to you to play!
The "ISO 13485 version 2016 Requirements" quiz will help you understand the main requirements of the standard.
The questions (requirements) included in this quiz are 98 of the 416 in the standard, but don't worry. These 98 requirements are among the most important. So do not hesitate to learn in a fun way!
Do not think you can finish this quiz in less than an hour, or even two hours, unless of course you are a little genius!
News on the medical devices standard ISO 13485 version 2016
The 416 requirements (verb shall) of clauses 4 to 8 of the standard ISO 13485 version 2016 are as follows:
ISO 13485 version 2016 requirements
![]() |
PDCA cycle
Requirement No
Quality management system | Plan |
1 ÷ 62
Management responsibility | Plan, Act |
63 ÷ 110
Resource management | Plan |
111 ÷ 130
Product realization | Do |
131 ÷ 325
Measurement, analysis and improvement | Check, Act |
326 ÷ 416
Requirements, clauses and sub-clauses of the standard ISO 13485 version 2016
Deming PDCA cycle
- To facilitate understanding of the requirements the verb shall is replaced by the verb closest to the requirement
- Human resources is replaced by people (as in the ISO 9001 version 2015 edition)
ISO 13485 version 2016 - Requirements and comments
Clause, sub-clause
PDCA cycle, links, comments
Quality management system
General requirements
Document a quality management system (QMS) | Develop your QMS. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Maintain the effectiveness of your QMS | Effectiveness is the capacity to realize planned activities with minimum efforts | |
4.1.1 | Establish any requirement, procedure, activity or arrangement | In accordance with ISO 13485 or applicable regulatory requirements | |
4 | 4.1.1 | Implement any requirement, procedure, activity or arragement | In accordance with ISO 13485 or applicable regulatory requirements | |
5 | 4.1.1 | Maintain any requirement, procedure, activity or arrangement | In accordance with ISO 13485 or applicable regulatory requirements | |
6 | 4.1.1 | Document the roles undertaken by the organization under the applicable regulatory requirements | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Identify the roles undertaken by the organization (manufacturer, distributor or representative of the manufacturer) | |
7 | 4.1.2 a | Determine the processes needed for the QMS and the application of these processes | Although process mapping is not explicitly required, it is in practice the best response to this requirement | |
4.1.2 b
Apply a risk based approach to control the processes needed for the QMS | Cf. sub-clause 7.1. Identify process risks, their levels, their impact on the safety and performance of the product. Justify the chosen degree of risk control | |
4.1.2 c
Determine the sequence and interaction of these processes | Although process mapping is not explicitly required, it is in practice the best response to this requirement | |
10 | 4.1.3 a | Determine criteria and methods to ensure process effectiveness and control | Support each process of your QMS | |
11 | 4.1.3 b | Ensure the availability of resources and information needed to support process operation and monitoring | For each process of the QMS | |
12 | 4.1.3 c | Implement actions to achieve planned results and process effectiveness | For each process of the QMS | |
13 | 4.1.3 d | Monitor, measure and analyze these processes | Measure as appropriate | |
14 |
4.1.3 e
Establish and retain records needed to demonstrate conformity with ISO 13485 standard and with applicable regulatory requirements | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. For each process of the QMS | |
15 | 4.1.4 | Manage QMS processes | In accordance with ISO 13485 and applicable regulatory requirements | |
4.1.4 a
Evaluate the impact of changes on the QMS | Describe the management of changes (rules, criteria, follow-up) | |
4.1.4 b
Evaluate the impact of changes on the medical devices produced under this QMS | Cf. sub-clause 7.3.9 | |
4.1.4 c
Control the process changes | In accordance with ISO 13485 and applicable regulatory requirements | |
Monitor and control outsourced processes | That may affect compliance with requirements. List of outsourced processes, associated risk levels | |
Retain responsibility of conformity | To the ISO 13485 standard, to customer and applicable regulatory requirements | |
Keep controls proportionate to the risks involved | And the ability of the external party to meet the requirements, cf. sub-clause 7.4 | |
Include in the controls written quality arrangements | Supplier quality agreements, especially for outsourced processes with high risk level | |
Document procedures for the validation of software used in the QMS | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
Validate software applications prior to initial use and after any change | List of validated software used in the QMS | |
Keep validation and revalidation activities proportionate to the risk associated with the use of the software | For each software used, justify the validation approach in relation to the level of risk | |
Retain records of these activities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Documentation requirements
4.2.1 a
Document a quality manual and quality objectives | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 . Quality policy and objectives are formalized in a relevant and simple document | |
28 | 4.2.1 b | Include the quality manual in documented form |
If the procedures are not part of the quality manual then there is a reference to them and the location where they can be found (this may be the Intranet system) |
4.2.1 c
Include documented procedures and records required by the standard ISO 13485 | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. The requirements of the ISO 13485 v 2016 standard are 416 | |
30 |
4.2.1 d
Include documents and records, determined by the organization as necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
31 | 4.2.1 e | Include other documentation related to applicable regulatory requirements | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. The bare essentials is often the best choice | |
Quality manual
4.2.2 a
Prepare a quality manual including the scope of the QMS | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 Justification of any exclusion or non-application | |
33 | 4.2.2 b | Document a quality manual with documented procedures | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Or include a reference to procedures | |
34 | 4.2.2 c | Document a quality manual with interaction between processes of the QMS | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.4 | |
Outline the structure of the documentation of the QMS | The simplest is the documentary pyramid: quality manual, processes, procedures, documents, records | |
Medical device file
Establish and maintain a file containing documents to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of the standard ISO 13485 and applicable regulatory requirements | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Link with the CE marking of the medical device | |
4.2.3 a
Include in this file a description of the medical device, intended use and labelling | Including instructions for use. More information in ISO 15223 (Medical devices - Symbols for use with labels, labeling and information relating to medical devices - Part 1: General requirements) | ||
4.2.3 b
Include in this file product specifications | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
4.2.3 c
Include in this file manufacturing, packaging, storage, handling and distribution specifications | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
4.2.3 d
Include in this file measuring and monitoring procedures | Cf. sub-clause 7.6 | |
4.2.3 e
Include in this file installation requirements | Cf. sub-clause 7.5.3, as appropriate | |
4.2.3 f
Include in this file servicing procedures | Cf. sub-clause 7.5.4, as appropriate | |
4.2.4 |
Control of documents
Control required QMS documents | The procedure defines how before you start using a document, it is approved (verified, validated) by a person with defined responsibilities and authorities | |
Control records | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Records are a particular type of document | |
4.2.4 a
Review and approve documents | For adequacy prior to issue | |
46 |
4.2.4 b
Review and re-approve documents | Update if necessary | |
47 | 4.2.4 c | Ensure identification of changes and current revision status | Managing changes and revisions (versions) of documents is performed by a person with established responsibilities and authorities | |
4.2.4 d
Ensure availability at points of use of relevant versions of applicable documents | "The right document, in the right place, at the right time" and with the right version | |
49 |
4.2.4 e
Ensure legible and readily identifiable documents | Each document is clear, simple to understand, easy to categorize including electronic files | |
50 | 4.2.4 f | Ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled | External documents determined by the company as necessary for the planning and operation of the QMS (standards, requirements, specifications) are identified and controlled (list, location, version). Method of coding documents | |
4.2.4 g
Prevent deterioration or loss of documents | Including electronic files (regular backups) | |
52 |
4.2.4 h
Prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents | Outdated (obsolete) documents are identified, stored, archived, locked or destroyed so that they cannot be used normally | |
53 | 4.2.4 | Ensure that changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorised persons | Either by the original approving function or by a person with pertinent information | |
54 | 4.2.4 | Define the period for which obsolete documents will be retained | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
55 | 4.2.4 | Ensure a period for which documents will be retained at least equal to the lifetime of the medical device, but no less than the retention period as specified by applicable regulatory requirements | List of mandatory documented procedures:
4.2.5 |
Control of records
Retain records as evidence of meeting requirements | "Words fly away, writings remain". Latin proverb. The records are entered daily (without delay). Without them it is difficult (if not impossible) to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the QMS | |
57 | 4.2.5 | Provide evidence of the effectiveness of the QMS | By retaining records | |
Document the procedure for control of records | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. The procedure for records answers questions who, when, how, under what conditions identify, store, implement measures for security and integrity, retrieve, retain and delete records | |
59 | 4.2.5 | Define and apply methods for protecting confidential health information | In accordance with the applicable regulatory requirements | |
60 | 4.2.5 | Keep records legible, readily identifiable and retrievable | Each record is clear, easy to understand, easy to categorize including electronic files | |
61 | 4.2.5 | Keep changes to records identifiable | Rules to apply (e.g. name, signature, date, justification) | |
62 | 4.2.5 | Retain records at least at least equal to the lifetime of the medical device | In accordance with the requirements of the company or applicable regulatory requirements but more than 2 years after the distribution of the medical device. List of mandatory records:
Management responsibility
Management commitment
Provide evidence of top management's commitment to the development, implementation and maintenance of the effectiveness of the QMS | "When you sweep the stairs, you start at the top". Romanian proverb | |
64 | 5.1 a | Communicate the importance of meeting customer requirements | And applicable regulatory requirements | |
5.1 b
Establish the quality policy | Defining the quality policy is an essential, direct and documented involvement of top management in developing and maintaining the effectiveness of the QMS | |
5.1 c
Ensure that quality objectives are established | Quantify in each department quality objectives consistent with the quality policy and customer requirements | |
5.1 d
Conduct management reviews | Cf. sub-clause 5.6. Keep records of management reviews as evidence that the QMS is relevant, effective and continuously improving | |
5.1 e
Ensure the availability of resources | Cf. sub-clause 6.1. Top management provides the necessary resources to carry out the quality policy and achieve the objectives set | |
Customer focus
Determine and meet customer requirements | And applicable regulatory requirements. Cf. sub-clauses 7.2.1 and 8.2.1 | |
Quality policy
5.3 a
Adapt the quality policy to the purpose of the organization | The quality policy is consistent with customer satisfaction and continual improvement of the QMS | |
5.3 b
Include the commitment to comply with requirements and to maintain the effectiveness of the QMS | Unambiguous commitment from top management | |
5.3 c
Provide a framework for establishing quality objectives | And review quality objectives. Cf. sub-clause 5.6. The management review is the framework par excellence for this requirement | |
5.3 d
Communicate and explain the quality policy | Cf. sub-clause 5.5.3 | |
5.3 e
Review the quality policy | Cf. sub-clause 5.6. The quality policy is constantly evolving. This is one of the goals of the management review |
Quality objectives
75 |
Establish quality objectives at relevant functions within the organization | Including those needed to meet applicable regulatory and product requirements. Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
76 | 5.4.1 | Ensure measurable quality objectives | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Ensure consistent with the quality policy quality objectives | Quality objectives are quantified, translated (declined) into indicators and monitored regularly (dashboards). A measurability criterion can be "Yes / No" | |
Quality management system planning
5.4.2 a
Respect the process approach when planning the QMS | And the quality objectives. Cf. sub-clause 4.1 | |
5.4.2 b
Maintain the integrity of the QMS when planning and implementing changes | Cf. sub-clause 7.3.9. Pay special attention to the control of the changes and their consequences on the performance of the QMS | |
Responsibility, authorities and communication
Responsibility and authority
Define, document and communicate responsibilities and authorities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. "Responsibility cannot be shared". Robert Heilein. Clear and internally available job descriptions (also organization chart, competency matrix) | |
81 | 5.5.1 | Document the interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality | It is a commitment that top management validates if it is not defined by top management | |
82 | 5.5.1 | Ensure the independence and authority to manage, perform and verify work affecting quality | Cf. sub-clause 8.2.1 | |
Management representative
Appoint management representative | He is a member of the management and he is not necessarily part of the quality department | |
5.5.2 a
Document the processes needed for the QMS | By the management representative. Cf. sub-clauses 7.2, 7.5 and 4.2.4 | |
85 | 5.5.2 b | Report to top management on the effectiveness of the QMS | By the management representative. And any need for improvement, cf. sub-clause 8.5 | |
86 | 5.2.2 c | Ensure the promotion of awareness of applicable regulatory and QMS requirements | By the management representative. Include in the job description of the management representative the tasks related to the awareness of the personnel to the different requirements | |
Internal communication
Establish appropriate communication processes | Pay special attention to the feedback of the staff (surveys, suggestion box) | |
88 | 5.5.3 | Communicate on the effectiveness of the QMS | It is a top management commitment | |
Management review
Document the procedure management review | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. "No system is perfect". Usually once or twice a year, review the entire QMS to verify the achievement of quality objectives | |
Review the QMS at planned intervals | To ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Review opportunities (conditions, possibilities, circumstances) for continual improvement of the QMS | |
Evaluate improvement opportunities | Review opportunities (conditions, possibilities, circumstances) for continual improvement of the QMS | |
Evaluate the need for changes to the QMS | Including the quality policy and quality objectives. Review opportunities (conditions, possibilities, circumstances) for continual improvement of the QMS | |
Retain records of the management review |
Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Review input
5.6.2 a
Include information from feedback | If it is the first element, it is often the most important | |
5.6.2 b
Include information from complaint handling | "Love your customers more than products". All customer satisfaction and non-satisfaction data is an important source of information for finding opportunities to improve the QMS | |
5.6.2 c
Include information from reporting to regulatory authorities | Cf. sub-clause 8.2.3 | |
97 | 5.6.2 d | Include information from audits | Internal audit reports and their proposals are an important source of information for finding opportunities to improve the QMS | |
98 |
5.6.2 e
Include information from process monitoring and measurement | Results of the achievement of the quality objectives and analysis of the data related to the defects (nonconformities) of the processes | |
99 |
5.6.2 f
Include information from product monitoring and measurement | Results and trends | |
5.6.2 g
Include information from corrective action | Results of actions, their follow-up, improvements obtained | |
5.6.2 h
Include information from preventive action | Results of actions, their follow-up, improvements obtained | |
5.6.2 i
Include information from follow-up actions from previous management reviews | Results of decisions taken during the last management review and their follow-up | |
5.6.2 j
Include information from changes that could affect the QMS | Consider, evaluate and analyze any changes that may impact the QMS (new products and processes, new customers, new functions and responsibilities) | |
5.6.2 k
Include information from improvement recommendations | Suggestions, opinions, proposals from all staff or external stakeholders | |
5.6.2 l
Include information from new or revised applicable regulatory requirements | Legal watch (changes in applicable regulatory requirements) | |
Review output
Record management review output | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. After analysis and review of all inputs, formalize decisions | |
5.6.3 a
Decide actions related to QMS improvement | To maintain the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS | |
5.6.3 b
Decide actions related to product improvement | Related to customer requirements | |
5.6.3 c
Decide actions related to needed changes | To respond to applicable new or revised regulatory requirements | |
5.6.3 d
Decide actions related to resource needs | In order to meet the needs of staff and material resources | |
Resource management
Planifier (Plan)
Provision of resources
6.1 a
Determine and provide the resources needed to implement and maintain the effectiveness of the QMS | Identify and ensure current and future resource needs:
6.1 b
Determine and provide the resources needed to meet applicable regulatory and customer requirements | "The right person, at the right place, at the right moment" | |
113 |
Ensure competent people performing work affecting product quality | Skills are based on initial and professional training, know-how and experience | |
114 |
Document the process needed for establishing competence, provide training and ensuring awareness of personnel | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. "Quality is everyone's business". Raise awareness of staff of the link between training and individual responsibility to achieve quality objectives | |
115 |
6.2 a
Determine the necessary competence | For personnel performing work affecting product quality | |
116 |
6.2 b
Provide training | Or take other actions to achieve or maintain the necessary competence | |
117 |
6.2 c
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training | The method is proportionate to the risk associated (Impacts on safety and regulatory conformity of medical devices) | |
118 |
6.2 d
Ensure that personnel are aware of the relevance and the importance of their activities | And how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives | |
119 |
6.2 e
Retain records of education, training, skills and experience | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
120 | 6.3 | Document the requirements for the necessary infrastructure | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. To satisfy product requirements, prevent product mix-up and ensure orderly handling of product | |
Document the requirements for the maintenance activities and its frequency | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Especially when these activities or their absence can affect the quality of the product | |
Apply these requirements to maintenance equipment | Equipment used in production, the control of the work environment and monitoring and measurement | |
Retain records on maintenance activities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Work environment and contamination control
Work environment
Document the requirements for the necessary work environment | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Anything that can have an impact on product conformity (motivation, work organization, workplace ergonomics, lighting, hygiene, temperature, safety) | |
125 | 6.4.1 | Document the requirements for the work environment and the procedures to monitor and control it | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Especially if the work environment can negatively affect the quality of the product. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1 | |
126 | 6.4.1 a | Document requirements for health, cleanliness and clothing of personnel | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. In the case of contact between personnel or work environment and the product. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.2 | |
127 | 6.4.1 b | Ensure that all personnel who work temporary under special environmental conditions are competent | Or supervised by a competent person. Cf. sub-clause 6.2. More information into ISO 14644 (Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration) and ISO 14698 (Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Biocontamination control - Part 1: General principles and methods) | |
Contamination control
Plan and document arrangements for the control of contaminated or potentially contaminated product | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. In order to prevent contamination of the work environment, personnel or product. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.5 | |
Document requirements for control of contamination (with microorganisms or particulate matter) | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. For sterile medical devices | |
Maintain the required cleanliness | During assembly or packaging processes. For sterile medical devices list the necessary measures implemented | |
Product realization
Dérouler (Do)
Planning of product realization
Plan the processes needed for product realization | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. These are all processes that meet customer needs and expectations (from quote request to after-sales service). A process mapping can clarify the overall image of product realization | |
132 | 7.1 | Develop the processes needed for product realization | Take into account infrastructure and the work environment, cf. sub-clauses 6.3 and 6.4 | |
133 |
Plan product realization consistent with the requirements of other processes of the QMS | Cf. sub-clause 4.1. Take prevention into account as much as possible | |
134 |
Document the risk management processes throughout product realization | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. More information in ISO 14971 (Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices) | |
135 | 7.1 | Retain records of risk management activities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
136 |
7.1 a
Determine quality objectives and product requirements | Establish and implement processes and documentation for each product | |
137 | 7.1 b | Determine the need to establish processes and documents | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
138 | 7.1 b | Determine how to provide resources specific to the product | Including infrastructure and work environment | |
139 |
7.1 c
Determine the verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test, handling, storage and distribution activities | And traceability activities specific to the product | |
140 | 7.1 c | Determine product acceptance criteria | And implement them without exception | |
141 |
7.1 d
Determine specific process records | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. In order to provide evidence of meeting requirements | |
142 | 7.1 d | Determine specific product records | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. In order to provide evidence of meeting requirements | |
143 |
Ensure that planning output is in a suitable form | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Paper or electronic, easily readable and identifiable | |
Customer-related products
Determination of requirements related to product
7.2.1 a
Determine requirements specified by the customer, including those for delivery and post-delivery activities | "The only measure of quality is customer satisfaction". Identify and apply customer needs and expectations to internal product requirements (realization, delivery and post-delivery) | |
7.2.1 b
Determine requirements for intended use | Identify and apply implicit client needs and expectations (lifetime warranty, exemplary reliability, simple maintenance) | |
7.2.1 c
Determine applicable regulatory requirements | Identify all applicable requirements related to the product (including recycling and disposition) and implement a legal watch | |
7.2.1 d
Determine any user training to ensure specified performance | And safe use of the medical device | |
7.2.1 e
Determine any additional internal requirements | Such as constraints, internal rules, confidentiality, occupational health and safety, hygiene | |
Review of requirements related to product
Review product requirements | Upstream review of product requirements (feasibility, cost effectiveness) | |
Conduct review prior committing to supply product to customer | Review tenders, amendments, acceptance of contracts, changes | |
151 | 7.2.2 a | Ensure that product requirements are defined and documented | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
7.2.2 b
Ensure that the gaps between the requirements of a contract or order and those previously expressed are resolved | Before accepting the contract or the order | |
7.2.2 c
Ensure that applicable regulatory requirements are met | Requirements are defined and approved | |
7.2.2 d
Ensure that any user training is available or planned to be available | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
7.2.2 e
Ensure that the organization has the ability to meet the defined requirements | Requirements are defined and approved | |
Retain records of the results of the review and actions taken | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
When customer requirements are not documented, confirm them before acceptance | By sending them to the customer with acknowledgment of receipt (by mail or email) | |
When product requirements are changed, ensure that relevant documents are amended | And relevant personnel is informed | |
7.2.3 a
Plan and document arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to product information | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. "Good news walks, bad news runs". Swedish proverb | |
160 | 7.2.3 b | Plan and document arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to enquiries, contracts, order handling and amendments | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Establish effective communication methods with the customer | |
7.2.3 c
Plan and document arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to customer feedback | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Including complaints. Cf. sub-clause 8.2.1 | |
162 | 7.2.3 d | Plan and document arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to advisory notices | Cf. sub-clauses 8.3.3 and 4.2.4 | |
163 | 7.2.3 | Communicate with regulatory authorities in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements | Cf. sub-clause 8.2.3 | |
Design and development
164 | 7.3.1 | Prepare procedures for design and development | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work". Thomas Edison | |
Design and development planning
Plan and control product design and development | Identify and formalize relationships between all stakeholders in product design and development (meetings and reviews at key milestones) | |
166 | 7.3.2 | Retain and maintain, as appropriate, planning documents | During the course of design and development | |
7.3.2 a
Document the design and development stages | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
7.3.2 b
Document the reviews needed at each design and development stage | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
7.3.2 c
Document the verification, validation and design transfer activities at each design and development stage | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
170 | 7.3.2 d | Document the responsibilities and authorities for design and development | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
7.3.2 e
Document the methods to ensure traceability of outputs | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Related to design and development inputs | |
7.3.2 f
Document the needed resources | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Including competence of personnel | |
Design and development inputs
Determine inputs relating to product requirements | Product characteristics and technical specifications (packaging and others) | |
Retain records of inputs | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
7.3.3 a
Include usability requirements | Functional, performance and safety characteristics | |
7.3.3 b
Include applicable regulatory requirements | And specific standards | |
7.3.3 c
Include outputs of risk management | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
7.3.3 d
Include information from previous similar designs | Why re-invent the wheel? | |
7.3.3 e
Include other requirements essential for process and product design and development | Benchmarking, market research | |
Review inputs for adequacy | Compared to intended use | |
Approve inputs | By a person with established responsibilities and authorities. Cf. sub-clause 5.5.1 | |
Ensure that requirements are complete, unambiguous, able to be verified or validated and not in conflict with each other | More information in IEC 62366-1 (Medical devices - Part 1: Application of usability engineering to medical devices) | |
Design and development outputs
7.3.4 a
Ensure that design and development outputs meet input requirements | If this is not the case, repeat some steps | |
184 | 7.3.4 b | Ensure that design and development outputs provide appropriate information for purchasing, production and service provision | The accuracy of this information is essential | |
185 |
7.3.4 c
Ensure that design and development outputs contain or reference product acceptance criteria | Requirements (restrictions or recommendations) related to transport, packaging, labels, instructions for use, expiration date, traceability, components used | |
186 |
7.3.4 d
Ensure that design and development outputs specify the characteristics of the product that are essential for its safe and proper use | The results of design reviews of similar old products (tests, reliability, feasibility) and feedback from users (after-sales service, recommendations, suggestions) | |
187 |
Ensure that design and development outputs are in a form suitable for verification against inputs | Requirement included in the procedure design and development, cf. sub-clause 7.3.1 | |
188 | 7.3.4 | Ensure that design and development outputs approved prior to release | Requirement included in the procedure design and development, cf. sub-clause 7.3.1 | |
Retain records of the design and development outputs | Cf.sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Design and development review
Perform systematic reviews of design and development at suitable stages | In accordance with planned and documented arrangements | |
7.3.5 a
Evaluate the ability of the results to meet requirements | Cf. sub-clause 7.3.3 | |
7.3.5 b
Propose necessary actions | After problems are identified | |
Ensure that representatives of functions concerned with the stages being reviewed are participating in these reviews | And other specialist personnel | |
Retain records of the results of the reviews and necessary actions | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. These records include the identification of the design review subject, the participants and the date of the review. Requirement included in the procedure design and development, cf. sub-clause 7.3.1 | |
Design and development verification
Perform design and development verification in accordance with planned and documented arrangements | To ensure that the design and development outputs have met the input requirements | |
196 | 7.3.6 | Document verification plans | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. These plans include methods, acceptance criteria, statistical techniques with rationale for sample size | |
197 |
Include in the verification the confirmation that the design outputs meet design outputs when connected or interfaced | If the intended use requires that the medical device be connected to, or have an interface with, other medical devices | |
198 |
Retain records of the results and conclusions of the verification and necessary actions | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 | |
Design and development validation
Perform design and development validation in accordance with planned and documented arrangements | To ensure that the resulting product is capable of meeting the requirements for the spcified application or intended use | |
Document validation plans | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. These plans include methods, acceptance criteria, statistical techniques with rationale for sample size | |
Conduct design validation on representative product | The representative product includes initials production units, batches or their equivalents | |
Record the rationale for the choice of product used for validation | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Perform clinical evaluations or performance evaluations of the medical device as part of design and development validation in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements | Clinical evaluation or performance evaluation of a medical device is not considered to be released for use to the customer | |
Include in the validation confirmation that the requirements for the specified application or intended use have been met when so connected or interfaced | When the intended use requires that the medical device be connected to or have interface with other medical devices | |
Complete validation prior to release for use of the product to the customer | Cf. sub-clauses 7.5.6 and 7.5.7 | |
Retain records of the results and conclusion of validation and necessary actions | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 | |
Design and development transfer
Document procedures for transfer of design and development outputs to manufacturing | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Identify, formalize and retain the information needed to initiate product design and development | |
208 | 7.3.8 | Ensure that design and development outputs are verified as suitable for manufacturing | Before becoming final production specifications | |
209 |
Ensure that production capability can meet product requirements | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
210 |
Record results and conclusions of the transfer | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Control of design and development changes
Document procedures to control design and development changes | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Identify and formalize relationships between all stakeholders in product design and development (meetings and reviews at key milestones) | |
Determine the significance of the change | To the function, performance, usability, safety and applicable regulatory requirements for the medical device and its intended use | |
Identify design and development changes | With rules (document version) and methods (red ink, signature, date) | |
7.3.9 a
Review the changes | Before implementation | |
7.3.9 b
Verify the changes | Before implementation | |
7.3.9 c
Validate the changes, as appropriate | Before implementation | |
Approve the changes | Before implementation | |
Include, during the review of design and development changes, evaluation of the effect of the changes | On components of the product, on product being delivered or already delivered, on inputs or outputs of risk management and on product realization processes | |
Retain records of changes, their review and necessary changes | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Design and development files
Maintain a design and development filefor each medical device type or family | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
221 | 7.3.10 | Include or reference in this file records generated to demonstrate satisfaction to design and development requirements | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.5 and 7.3.4 | |
222 |
Include or reference in this file records for design and development changes | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.5 and 7.3.9 | |
Purchasing process
223 | 7.4.1 | Document procedures to ensure that purchased product conforms to specified purchasing information | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Information is internal requirements | |
Establish criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers | The purchasing process includes the criteria for on-going (monthly or quarterly) evaluation of suppliers (% of purchased nonconforming products detected in reception, production and post-production inspection) | |
7.4.1 a
Ensure that the criteria are based on the supplier's ability to provide product that meets the requirements of the organization | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
7.4.1 b
Ensure that the criteria are based on the performance of the supplier | Conforming product, respect of cost and deadlines | |
7.4.1 c
Ensure that the criteria are based on the effect of the purchased product on the quality of the medical device | "If you buy quality, you cry only once. English proverb" | |
7.4.1 d
Ensure that the criteria are proportionate to the risk associated with the medical device | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Plan the monitoring and re-evaluation of suppliers | Include in the list of suppliers the evaluation history | |
Monitor supplier performance | Meeting requirements for the product purchased. Monitoring activities are described in the purchasing procedure | |
Provide, as input into the supplier re-evaluation process, the results of the monitoring | Use records of verification of deliveries | |
Address reactions with the supplier, in case of non-fulfillment of purchasing requirements, proportionate to the risk associated with the purchased product | And compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Retain records of the results of evaluation, selection, monitoring and re-evaluation of supplier capability or performance | And any necessary acions taken. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Purchasing information
Describe or reference the product to be purchased | All the data of the purchased product (specifications, transport, packaging, reception, test, storage and other conditions) are taken into account | |
235 | 7.4.2 a | Describe product specifications | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
236 | 7.4.2 b | Describe requirements for product acceptance, procedures, processes and equipment | Relating to the product to be purchased | |
237 | 7.4.2 c | Describe requirements for qualification of supplier personnel | For specific cases, staff receive appropriate training (new product, machine or equipment not used until then) | |
238 | 7.4.2 d | Describe requirements of the QMS | All that concerns the control of nonconformities related to the purchased product and the actions, the responsible and deadlines to be implemented | |
239 |
Ensure the adequacy of specified purchasing requirements | Before communicating them to the supplier | |
240 |
Include, as applicable, a written agreement that the supplier notify the organization of changes in the purchased product | Prior to implementation of any changes that could affect the purchased product to meet spcified purchase requirements | |
Retain relevant purchasing information in the form of documents and records | To the extend required for traceability. Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4, 4.2.5 and 7.5.9 | |
Verification of purchased product
Establish and implement inspection activities | To ensure that purchased product meets specified purchasing requirements. The purchasing process includes the identification and implementation of both reception and in-process inspections | |
Base the extent of verification activities on the supplier evaluation results | The activities are proportionate to the risk associated with the purchased product. Cf. sub-clause 7.1. Link between verification activities and the results of the supplier evaluation and also the level of risk associated with the purchased product | |
Determine whether any changes to the purchased product affect the product realization process or the medical device | Cf. sub-clause 7.3.9 | |
State the intended verification activities and method of product release in the purchasing information | When the organization or its customer intends to perform verification at the supplier's premises. Without written acceptance by the supplier, any request may be refused | |
Retain records of the verification | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Production and service provision
Control of production and service provision
247 | 7.5.1 | Plan, carry out, monitor and control medical device production and service provision | To ensure that product conforms to requirements | |
248 | 7.5.1 a | Include in production controls documentation of procedures and methods for the control of production | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
249 |
7.5.1 b
Include in production controls qualification of infrastructure | Cf. sub-clause 6.3 | |
250 | 7.5.1 c | Include in production controls implementation of monitoring and measurement of process parameters and product characteristics | Maintenance of equipment is regular | |
251 |
7.5.1 d
Include in production controls availability and use of monitoring and measuring equipment | Monitoring and measuring equipment is maintained in good condition and staff is trained in its use | |
252 | 7.5.1 e | Include in production controls implementation of defined operations for labelling and packaging | According to product requirements, cf. sub-clause 7.2.1. More information in ISO 15223 (Medical devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied - Part 1: General requirements) | |
253 |
7.5.1 f
Include in production controls implementation of product release, delivery and post-delivery activities | Monitoring and measuring equipment are regularly used | |
254 |
Establish and retain a record for each medical device of batch of medical devices | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. To provide specified traceability. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.9 | |
255 | 7.5.1 | Establish and retain a record that identifies the amount manufactured and the amount approved for distribution | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
256 | 7.5.1 | Verify and approve each record | Cf.sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Cleanliness of product
257 | 7.5.2 a | Document requirements for cleanliness of product or contamination control of product when product is cleaned by the organization | Prior to sterilization or its use. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
7.5.2 b
Document requirements for cleanliness of product or contamination control of product when product is supplied non-sterile and is to be subjected to a cleaning process | Prior to sterilization or its use. And the product is subjected to a cleaning process before its sterilization or its use. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
7.5.2 c
Document requirements for cleanliness of product or contamination control of product when product cannot be cleaned | Prior to sterilization or its use. And its cleanliness is of significance in use. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
260 | 7.5.2 d | Document requirements for cleanliness of product or contamination control of product when product is supplied to be used non-sterile | And its cleanliness is of significance in use. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
261 |
7.5.2 e
Document requirements for cleanliness of product or contamination control of product when process agents are to be removed from product during manufacture | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
262 | 7.5.2 | Do not apply requirements prior to the cleaning process if product is cleaned in accordance with a) or b) above | Cf. sub-clause 6.4.1 | |
Installation activities
263 | 7.5.3 | Document requirements for medical device installation and acceptance criteria for verification of installation, as appropriate | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
264 | 7.5.3 | Provide documented requirements for medical device installation and verification of installation | If the agreed customer requirements allow installation by an external party outside the company or its supplier | |
265 | 7.5.3 | Retain records of medical device installation and verification of installation | Performed by the organization or its supplier. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Servicing activities
Document servicing procedures, reference materials and reference measurements | For performing servicing activities and verifying that product requirements are met. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. If the servicing activities of the medical device constitute a specified requirement (such as maintenance) | |
267 | 7.5.4 a | Analyse records of servicing activities | To determine if the information is to be handled as a complaint | |
268 | 7.5.4 b | Analyse records of servicing activities | To use this information for input to the improvement process | |
269 | 7.5.4 | Retain records of servicing activities carried out | By the organization or its supplier. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Particular requirements for sterile medical devices
270 | 7.5.5 | Retain records of the sterilization process parameters used for each sterilization batch | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
271 | 7.5.5 | Ensure the traceability of each production batch of medical devices | With sterilization records. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.9 | |
Validation of processes for production and service provision
272 | 7.5.6 | Validate any processes for production and service provision where the resulting output cannot be or is not verified by subsequent monitoring or measurement | This includes all processes for which deficiencies occur only after the product is in use or the service has been delivered | |
273 | 7.5.6 | Demonstrate by validation the ability of these processes to achieve planned results consistently | Validation is realized after review and verification of processes | |
274 | 7.5.6 a | Document procedures for validation of processes including defined criteria for review and approval of processes | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
275 | 7.5.6 b | Document procedures for validation of processes including equipment qualification | And qualification of personnel. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
276 | 7.5.6 c | Document procedures for validation of processes including use of specific methods, procedures and acceptance criteria | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
277 | 7.5.6 d | Document procedures for validation of processes including statistical techniques with rationale for sample sizes | As appropriate. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
278 | 7.5.6 e | Document procedures for validation of processes including requirements for records | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 | |
279 | 7.5.6 f | Document procedures for validation of processes including revalidation | Including criteria for revalidation. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Including revalidation criteria | |
280 | 7.5.6 g | Document procedures for validation of processes including approval of changes to the processes | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
281 | 7.5.6 | Document procedures for the validation of the application of computer software | Used in production and service provision. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
282 | 7.5.6 | Validate software applications prior to initial use | And also after changes to such software or its application | |
283 | 7.5.6 | Establish an approach proportionate to the risk associated with the use of the software | Including the effect on the ability of the product to conform to specifications. Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
284 | 7.5.6 | Retain records of the results and conclusion of the validation and necessary actions undertaken | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 | |
Particular requirements for validation of processes for sterilization and sterile barrier systems
285 | 7.5.7 | Document procedures for the validation of processes for sterilization and sterile barrier systems | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
286 | 7.5.7 | Validate processes for sterilization and sterile barrier systems prior to implementation | And after product or process changes, as appropriate | |
287 | 7.5.7 | Retain records of the results and conclusion of validation and necessary actions undertaken | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. More information in ISO 11607-1 (Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 1: Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems) and ISO 11607-2 (Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 2: Validation requirements for forming, sealing and assembly processes) | |
288 | 7.5.8 | Document procedures for product identification | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
289 | 7.5.8 | Identify product by suitable means | Throughout product realization | |
290 | 7.5.8 | Identify product status with respect to monitoring and measurement requirements | Throughout product realization | |
291 | 7.5.8 | Maintain product identification throughout production, storage, installation and servicing of product | To ensure that only product that has passed the required inspections and tests or released under an authorized concession is dispatched, used or installed | |
292 | 7.5.8 | Document a system to assign unique device identification to the medical device | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. If required by applicable regulatory requirements | |
293 | 7.5.8 | Document procedures to ensure that medical devices returned to the organization are identified and distinguished from conforming product | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. | |
294 | | Document procedures for traceability | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Product preservation includes all stages of the product's life cycle (receiving, producing, handling, storing, delivering) | |
295 | | Define the extent of product traceability | According to applicable regulatory requirements | |
296 | | Retain traceability records | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Particular requirements for implantable medical devices
297 | | Include in the records required for traceability records of components, materials and conditions for the work environment used | When these parameters may result in the medical device not meeting the specified safety and performance requirements | |
298 | | Require that suppliers of distribution services or distributors retain records of the distribution of medical devices | To allow traceability and that these records are available for inspection | |
299 | | Retain records of the shipping package consignee | Name and address. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Customer property
300 | 7.5.10 | Identify, verify, protect and saveguard customer property provided for use or incorporation into the product | When customer property is under the control of the organization or being used | |
301 | 7.5.10 | Report to the customer | If customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use | |
302 | 7.5.10 | Retain records of reports | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Preservation of product
303 | 7.5.11 | Document procedures for preserving the conformity of product during processing, storage, handling and distribution | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Product preservation includes all stages of the product's life cycle (receiving, producing, handling, storing, delivering) | |
Apply preservation to constituent parts of the medical device | Including packaging | |
305 | 7.5.11 a | Protect product from alteration, contamination or damage when exposed to expected conditions and hazards during processing, storage, handling and distribution | Through the design and construction of suitable packaging and shipping containers | |
306 | 7.5.11 b | Protect product from alteration, contamination or damage when exposed to expected conditions and hazards during processing, storage, handling and distribution | By documenting requirements for special conditions needed, if packaging alone cannot provide preservation | |
307 | 7.5.11 | Control the required special conditions | As a limited shelf life and specific storage conditions | |
308 | 7.5.11 | Record the required special conditions | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Control of monitoring and measuring equipment
Determine the monitoring and measurement activities | Monitoring and measurement processes are implemented to provide evidence of product conformity. Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
310 | 7.6 | Determine the monitoring and measurement equipment | Maintain a list of equipment | |
311 | 7.6 | Document procedures to ensure that monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are carried out in a consistent manner | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements | |
312 | 7.6 a | Ensure valid results with measuring equipment that is calibrated or verified at specified intervals or prior to use | Against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards. When these standards do not exist, the basis used for calibration or verification is recorded. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
7.6 b
Ensure valid results with measuring equipment that is adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary | The measuring equipment is regularly adjusted | |
7.6 b
Record the adjustments realized | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
315 |
7.6 c
Ensure valid results with measuring equipment that is identified | In order to determine its calibration status | |
7.6 d
Ensure valid results with measuring equipment that is safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result | Effective protection not only during use (displacement, maintenance, storage) | |
7.6 e
Ensure valid results with measuring equipment that is protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage | This concerns potentially nonconforming products | |
318 |
Perform calibration or verification in accordance with documented procedures | The equipment is calibrated and verified. Products are inspected, validated (with or without concession) or identified as nonconforming | |
Assess and record the validity of the previous measuring results | When the equipment is found not meeting requirements | |
Take appropriate action in regard to the equipment and any product affected | Monitoring and measuring software are validated before use | |
Retain records of the results of calibration and verification | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Document procedures for the validation of the application of computer software used for the monitoring and measurement of requirements | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Perform a second validation if the first one is not satisfactory | |
Validate software application prior to initial use and after changes to software or its application | Perform a second validation if the first one is not satisfactory | |
Define the specific approach and activities associated with software validation and revalidation that are proportionate to the risk associated with the use of the software | Including the effect on the ability of the product to conform to specifications. Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Retain records of the results and conclusion and necessary action from the validation | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. More information in ISO 10012 (Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment) | |
Measurement, analysis and improvement
8.1 a
Plan and implement the needed monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes | To demonstrate conformity of product. Control of product conformity is demonstrated through inspection processes throughout the production stages | |
327 | 8.1 b | Ensure conformity of the QMS | "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Peter Drucker" | |
328 |
8.1 c
Maintain the effectiveness of the QMS | Controlling QMS conformity is achieved through management processes (strategy, audit, continuous improvement, self-evaluation) | |
329 | 8.1 | Include determination of appropriate methods | Including statistical techniques and the extent of their use | |
Monitoring and measurement
8.2.1 |
Gather and monitor information relating to whether the organization has met customer requirements | As one of the measures of QMS performance | |
331 | 8.2.1 | Document the methods for obtaining and using this information | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
332 | 8.2.1 | Document procedures for the feedback process | Cf. sub-clauses 4.2.4 and 7.2.3 | |
Include in the feedback process provisions to gather data from production activities | And post-production activities | |
334 | 8.2.1 | Use the information gathered in the feedback process as potential input into risk management | For monitoring and maintaining the product requirements, the product realization and process improvements. Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Include in the feedback process the review of the experience from post-production activities | If it is required by applicable regulatory requirements | |
8.2.2 |
Complaint handling
Document procedures for complaint handling | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Within appropriate time limits in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements | |
8.2.2 a
Include requirements and responsibilities for receiving and recording information | Who, when, how | |
8.2.2 b
Include requirements and responsibilities for evaluating information | To determine if the feedback constitutes a complaint. By the person in charge and his team | |
8.2.2 c
Include requirements and responsibilities for investigating complaints | The 8 D method is judicious to meet this requirement | |
8.2.2 d
Include requirements and responsibilities for determining the need to report the information | To the appropriate regulatory authorities. Cf. sub-clause 8.2.3 | |
8.2.2 e
Include requirements and responsibilities for handling of complaint-related product | Verify the extent of the claim | |
8.2.2 f
Include requirements and responsibilities for determining the need to initiate corrections or corrective actions | And undertake the necessary actions | |
Document a justification if the complaint is not investigated | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
Document any correction or corrective action following a complaint | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
Exchange relevant information between the organization and the external party involved | When the investigation determines that activities outside the company have contributed to the complaint | |
Retain complaint handling records | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
8.2.3 |
Reporting to regulatory authorities
347 |
Document procedures for providing notification to the appropriate regulatory authorities about complaints that meet specified reporting critéria of adverse events or issuance of advisory notices | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. If applicable regulatory requirements require it | |
Retain records of reporting to regulatory authorities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
8.2.4 |
Internal audit
349 |
8.2.4 a
Conduct internal audits at planned intervals | To determine whether the QMS conforms to planned and documented arrangements, to requirements of ISO 13485 standard, to QMS requirements and to applicable regulatory requirements | |
8.2.4 b
Determine whether the QMS is effectively implemented and maintained | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Document a procedure to describe the responsibilities and requirements | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. For planning and conducting audits and recording and reporting audit results | |
Plan an audit program taking into consideration the status and importance of the process and area to be audited | As well as the results of previous audits | |
Define and record the audit criteria, scope, interval and methods | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process | By selection of auditors and conduct of audits | |
Ensure that auditors do not audit their own work | ||
Retain records of the audits and their results | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Including process identification, areas audited and the conclusions | |
Ensure that the management responsible for the area being audited takes without undue delay any necessary corrections and corrective actions | To eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes | |
Include in the follow-up activities the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of verification results | More information in ISO 19011 (Guidelines for auditing management systems) | |
8.2.5 |
Monitoring and measurement of processes
359 |
Apply suitable methods for monitoring | And, as appropriate, measurement of the QMS processes | |
Demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned results | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Take correction and corrective action, as appropriate, when planned results are not achieved | Cf. sub-clause 8.5.2 | |
8.2.6 |
Monitoring and measurement of product
362 |
Monitor and measure medical device characteristics | To verify that product requirements have been met | |
Carry out this at applicable stages of the product realization process | In accordance with the planned arrangements and documented procedures | |
Retain evidence of conformity to the acceptance criteria | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Record the identity of the person authorizing release of product | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Identify, as appropriate, in records, the test equipment used to perform measurement activities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Do not proceed with product release and service delivery until the planned and documented arrangements have been satisfactorily completed | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
Record the identity of personnel performing any inspection or testing of implantable medical devices | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
8.3 |
Control of nonconforming product
8.3.1 |
369 |
Ensure that nonconforming product is identified and controlled | To prevent its unintended use or delivery | |
Document a procedure to define the controls of nonconforming product | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Determine the related responsibilities and authorities, identification, documentation, segregation, evaluation and disposition of nonconforming product | |
Include in the evaluation of nonconformity a determination of the need for an investigation | And notification of any external party responsible for the nonconformity | |
Retain records of the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent action taken | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5. Including the evaluation, any investigation and the rationale for decisions | |
8.3.2 |
Actions in response to nonconforming product detected before delivery
373 |
8.3.2 a
Take action to eliminate the detected nonconformity | To deal with the nonconforming product | |
8.3.2 b
Take action to preclude its original intended use or application | To deal with the nonconforming product | |
8.3.2 c
Authorize its use, release or acceptance under concession | To deal with the nonconforming product | |
Ensure that nonconforming product is accepted by concession only if the justification is provided | And approval is obtained and applicable regulatory requirements are met | |
Retain records of the acceptance by concession | And the identity of the person authorizing the concession. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
8.3.3 |
Actions in response to nonconforming product detected after delivery
378 |
Take action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the nonconformity | In order to treat the nonconforming product detected after delivery or after its use has started | |
Retain records of actions taken | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Document procedures for issuing advisory notices | In accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4 | |
Be capable to put these procedures at any time | In order to issue advisory notices without delay | |
Retain records of actions relating to the issuance of advisory notices | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
8.3.4 |
383 |
Perform rework in accordance with documented procedures | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Take into account the potential adverse effect of the rework on the product | |
Undergo theses procedures the same review and approval as the original procedure | Put again in the normal flow | |
Verify the reworked product | To ensure that it meets applicable criteria and regulatory requirements | |
Retain records of rework | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Analysis of data
387 |
Document procedures to determine, collect and analyse appropriate data | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. To demonstrate the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS | |
388 |
Include in the procedures determination of appropriate methods | Including statistical techniques and the extent of their use | |
Include in the analysis of data information generated as a result of monitoring and measurement | And from other relevant sources | |
8.4 a
Include input from feedback | Cf. sub-clause 8.2.1 | |
8.4 b
Include input from product conformity | Cf. sub-clause 7.2.1 | |
8.4 c
Include input from characteristics and trends of processes and product | Including improvement opportunities | |
8.4 d
Include input from suppliers | Cf. sub-clause 7.4.1 | |
8.4 e
Include input from audits | Cf. sub-clause 8.2.4 | |
8.4 f
Include input from service reports, as appropriate | Cf. sub-clause 7.5.4 | |
Use this analysis as input for improvement | If the analysis of data shows that the QMS is not suitable, adequate or effective. Cf. sub-clause 8.5 | |
Retain records of the results of analyses | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
8.5.1 |
398 |
Identify and implement any changes necessary to ensure and maintain the continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS as well as medical device safety and performance | Through the use of the quality policy, quality objectives, audit results, post-market surveillance, data analysis, corrective and preventive actions and management review | |
8.5.2 |
Corrective action
399 |
Take action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities | In order to prevent recurrence | |
400 |
Take any necessary corrective actions without any undue delay | Do not wait is fundamental | |
401 |
Adapt corrective actions proportionate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered | The procedure for corrective actions answers questions about who, when, how, under what conditions, with what resources to identify and treat nonconformities, determine and eliminate the causes, evaluate the need for corrective actions, implement corrective actions and review actions | |
402 |
8.5.2 a
Document a procedure to define requirements for reviewing nonconformities | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Include in the procedure the method of finding the causes of nonconformities (diagramme of Ishikawa, statistical process control) | |
403 |
8.5.2 b
Document a procedure to define requirements for determining the causes of nonconformities | Use 5 W (why) method | |
8.5.2 c
Document a procedure to define requirements for evaluating the need for action | To ensure that nonconformities do not recur | |
8.5.2 d
Document a procedure to define requirements for planning and documenting action needed and implementing such action | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Including, as appropriate, documentation update | |
8.5.2 e
Document a procedure to define requirements for verifying that corrective action has no adversely effect | The ability to meet applicable regulatory requirements or the safety and performance of the medical device | |
8.5.2 f
Document a procedure to define requirements for reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action taken | To ensure that nonconformities do not recur | |
Retain records of the results of any investigation and of action taken | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |
Preventive action
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Determine action to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities | In order to prevent their occurrence. Analysis and eradication of potential causes of process or QMS nonconformities | |
410 |
Adapt preventive actions proportionate to the effects of the potential problems | Do what is necessary in relation to the potential effects (remain within available resources) | |
411 |
8.5.3 a
Document a procedure to describe requirements for determining potential nonconformities and their causes | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. The procedure for preventive actions answers the questions who, when, how, under what conditions, with what resources to identify potential nonconformities, determine their causes, evaluate the need for preventive actions, implement preventive actions and review actions | |
412 |
8.5.3 b
Document a procedure to describe requirements for evaluating the need for action to prevent occurence of nonconformities | To ensure that nonconformities do not occur. Will the occurrence be avoided? Are the necessary resources available? | |
413 |
8.5.3 c
Document a procedure to describe requirements for planning and documenting action needed and implementing such action | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.4. Including, as appropriate, documentation update | |
414 | 8.5.3 d | Document a procedure to describe requirements for verifying that the preventive action does not have adversely effect | The ability to meet applicable regulatory requirements or the safety and performance of the medical device | |
8.5.3 e
Document a procedure to describe requirements for reviewing the effectiveness of the preventive action taken | "Prevention is always cheaper" | |
Retain records of the results of any investigations and of action taken | Cf. sub-clause 4.2.5 | |