ISO 14001 2015 requirements, environmental management systems
Quiz requirements ISO 14001 version 2015 You want to familiarize yourself with the structure of the standard, identify and understand the requirements of ISO 14001 version 2015, then it's up to you to play!
The "ISO 14001 version 2015 Requirements" quiz will help you understand the main requirements of the standard.
The questions (requirements) included in this quiz are 45 of the 181 in the standard, but don't worry. These 45 requirements are among the most important. So do not hesitate to learn in a fun way!
Do not think you can finish this quiz in less than an hour, unless of course you are a little genius!
News on the ISO 14001 version 2015
The requirements of ISO 14001 can be found in COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2017/1505, Annex II part B.
Based on the ISO 14001: 2015 standard and some results of the public inquiry the 181 requirements (verb shall) in clauses 4 to 10 are as follows:
ISO 14001: 2015 requirements
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PDCA cycle
Requirement No
Context of the organization | Plan | 1 ÷ 16 | 16 |
Leadership | Plan, Do, Check, Act |
17 ÷ 36
Planning | Plan |
37 ÷ 72
Support | Do |
73 ÷ 105
Operation | Do |
106 ÷ 123
Performance evaluation | Check |
124 ÷ 168
Improvement | Act |
169 ÷ 181
The requirements in clauses and sub-clauses of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard
The PDCA cycle
Remark. Any requirement normally begins with "The organization shall...". For simplicity's sake we present the requirements directly, starting with the verb.
Clause, sub-clause
Comment, link
4 |
Context of the organization
4.1 |
The organization and its context
Determine external and internal issues | Understand everything that can influence the purpose, environmental performance and strategic direction of the organization (environmental conditions, corporate culture, compliance obligations, activities, products, services). How the organization can affect its environment | ||
Include environmental conditions | All issues that may influence or be influenced by the organization | |
Determine whether climate change is a relevant issue | Amendment 1 to ISO 14001, 02/2024: Climate action changes | |
4.2 |
Needs and expectations of interested parties
4.2 a | Determine stakeholders | "There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer". Peter Drucker. Understand the environmental perspective of all stakeholders is a prerequisite | |
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4.2 b
Determine the needs and expectations of stakeholders | It is the requirements that help us understand what compliance obligations to take into account. Cf. sub-clause 6.1.3 | |
4.2 c
Determiner the compliance obligations | Before accepting an order | |
4.3 |
Scope of the environmental management system
Determine the scope of the EMS | Geographic and organizational scope of the EMS | |
4.3 a
Take into account the external and internal issues | Cf. sub-clause 4.1 | |
4.3 b
Take into account the compliance obligations | Cf. sub-clause 4.2 | |
4.3 c
Take into account the units, functions and physical boundaries | Including subsidiaries when the organization decides to include them in the EMS | |
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4.3 d
Take into account the activities, products and services | And the level of control and influence including the life cycle | |
12 | 4.3 e | Take into account the authority, control and influence of the organization | Be realistic | |
Include in the EMS the scope, the activities, products and services | Cf. 6.1.2 | ||
14 | 4.3 | Maintain a documented information on the scope | Cf. sub-clause 7.5. Scope is available to stakeholders | |
4.4 |
Environmental management system
Establish, implement, maintain, update and improve the EMS | Incorporate the requirements of the EMS in business functions, processes and their interactions | |
16 | 4.4 | Take into account the context of the organization | Integrate issues related to the corporate context. Cf. sub-clauses 4.1 et 4.2 | |
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5.1 |
Leadership and commitment
5.1 a
Assume responsibility for the effectiveness of the EMS | "When you sweep he stairs, you start at the top". Romanian proverb. Top management demonstrates leadership (assumes its responsibility and commitment) | |
18 | 5.1 b | Establish an environmental policy and associated objectives | The policy and objectives are consistent with the strategic direction and business context | |
5.1 c
Integrate EMS requirements in the internal process requirements | Cf. sub-clause 4.4 | |
5.1 d
Provide the necessary resources for the EMS | And ensure that these resources are really available. Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
5.1 e
Raise awareness on the importance of an effective and compliant EMS | Cf. sub-clause 7.3 | |
5.1 f
Ensure the achievement of results of the EMS | Confirm in the management review (cf. sub-clause 9.3) | |
5.1 g
Support the staff contribution to the effectiveness of the EMS | Thanks to the acquired skills (cf. sub-clause 7.2) | |
5.1 h
Promote continual improvement | Essential commitment of top management (cf. sub-clause 10.3) | |
5.1 i
Support the leadership of managers | Cf. sub-clause 5.3 | |
5.2 |
Environmental policy
5.2 a
Establish, implement and maintain an environmental policy | Appropriate for the corporate culture | |
27 | 5.2 b | Establish, implement and maintain an environmental policy | Which provides a framework for establishing environmental objectives. Cf. sub-clause 6.2 | |
28 | 5.2 c | Establish, implement and maintain an environmental policy | Which includes environmental protection commitments (pollution prevention, water quality, air, biodiversity conservation). Be able to adapt to climate change | |
29 | 5.2 d | Establish, implement and maintain an environmental policy | Which includes meeting compliance obligations | |
30 | 5.2 e | Establish, implement and maintain an environmental policy | Which includes the commitment to continual improvement of the EMS. Be able to adapt to climate change, protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Cf. sub-clause 10.3 | |
31 | 5.2 | Maintain the environmental policy as documented information | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
32 | 5.2 | Communicate the environmental policy | Internally. Cf. sub-clause 7.4 | |
33 | 5.2 | Keep the environmental policy available | Internally and externally | |
Roles, responsibilities and authorities
Assign responsibilities and authorities of roles | Internally. Clarity of roles, responsibilities and authorities and expected results | |
5.3 a
Assign responsibilities and authorities | In order to ensure that the EMS meets the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard | |
5.3 b
Assign responsibilities and authorities | In order to report on the performance of the EMS to top management, cf. sub-clause 9.3 | |
6.1 |
Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 |
37 | 6.1.1 | Plan a specific process related to risks | In order to determine risks and implement actions (cf. sub-clause 6.1.4) | |
6.1.1 a, b, c
Take into account context issues, identified requirements and scope of the EMS | Cf. sub-clauses 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3) | |
39 | 6.1.1 | Determine risks and opportunities | Which are related to environmental aspects (cf. sub-clause 6.1.2), to compliance obligations (cf. sub-clause 6.1.3) and to issues (cf. sub-clauses 4.1, 4.2) | |
40 | 6.1.1 | Take into account risks and opportunities | To ensure that the EMS can achieve the objectives (cf. sub-clause 6.2), anticipate undesirable effects as external conditions in a continual improvement approach (cf. sub-clause 10.3) | |
41 | 6.1.1 | Determine potential emergency situations | Especially emergency situations with environmental impact (cf. sub-clause 8.2) | |
42 | 6.1.1 | Retain documented information on risks and opportunities | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
43 | 6.1.1 | Retain documented information on risk processes | In order to ensure that the results will be as planned. Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
Environmental aspects
Determine environmental aspects and impacts | Determining which environmental aspects the organization can influence. Including the life cycle. This is a specific EMS process. "To identify aspects is to diminish impacts." The aspect is the cause, the impact is the effect. The life cycle includes mainly:
6.1.2 a
Take into account changes | Any change in an activity, product or service | |
6.1.2 b
Take into account abnormal and emergency situations | And the conditions for stopping and starting. Cf. sub-clause 8.2 | |
Determine significant environmental aspects | Establish criteria to identify significant aspects. Aspects and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment (thus the risk that the organization may not achieve its environmental objectives) and on which the organization can influence as :
Communicate on significant environmental aspects | Internally. Cf. sub-clause 7.4 | |
Retain documented information on environmental aspects | Including associated impacts. Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
Retain documented information on criteria | In order to determine which are the significant environmental aspects. Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
Retain documented information on significant environmental aspects | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
Compliance obligations
52 | 6.1.3 a | Identify compliance obligations of environmental aspects | "Nobody is supposed to ignore the law". Latin proverb. Cf. sub-clause 4.2. Compliance obligations can have a negative impact (risk) or a beneficial impact (opportunity) | |
6.1.3 b
Determine how these obligations apply to the organization | Distinguish between mandatory legal requirements (laws, regulations, treaties, permits, licenses, agreements) and obligations to which the organization chooses to adhere (ISO 14001 certification, agreements with stakeholders, voluntary codes of conduct, voluntary labeling, sustainable development commitment) | |
6.1.3 c
Take into account compliance obligations regarding the EMS | During creation, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the EMS | |
Maintain documented information on compliance obligations | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
Planning action
6.1.4 a
Plan environmental actions | In order to treat risks, significant environmental aspects and compliance obligations. Cf. sub-clauses 6.1.4, 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 | |
6.1.4 b
Plan how to implement these actions | Integrate these actions in the internal ("business") processes. Establish environmental objectives is one of those actions. Cf. sub-clause 6.2, clauses 7, 8 and sub-clause 9.1) | |
Plan how to evaluate the effectiveness of these actions | Cf. sub-clause 9.1 | |
Take into account the internal conditions | Such as technological options, financial and operational conditions | |
Environmental objectives and planning
6.2.1 |
Environmental objectives
6.2.1 | Establish environmental aspects | Consider the significant environmental aspects, compliance obligations and risks and opportunities. Find more information on the definition of environmental indicators in ISO 14031 | |
6.2.1 a | Establish environmental aspects | Consistent with the environmental policy and the commitment to continual improvement (cf. sub-clause 10.3) | |
6.2.1 b | Establish environmental aspects | Measurable, if possible. When it is not realistic to measure an aspect we must be able to explain why | |
6.2.1 c | Establish environmental aspects | And monitor them | |
6.2.1 d | Establish environmental aspects | And communicate them | |
6.2.1 e | Establish environmental aspects | And update them | |
6.2.1 | Retain documented information on environmental objectives | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
Planning actions
6.2.2 a | Determine actions to implement | In order to achieve environmental objectives | |
6.2.2 b | Determine necessary resources | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
6.2.2 c | Determine responsibilities | Cf. sub-clause 5.3 | |
6.2.2 d | Determine deadlines | "You can easily ignore instructions without deadline". Jean-François Zobrist | |
6.2.2 e | Determine how to evaluate results | Compare results and set objectives (cf. sub-clause 9.1.1). Monitor the progress of the environmental objectives indicators | |
6.2.2 | Take into account the integration of actions in internal processes | In order to achieve environmental objectives | |
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7.1 |
7.1 | Provide necessary resources | In order to establish, implement and improve the EMS (finances, people, infrastructure, know-how) | |
7.2 |
74 | 7.2 a | Determine the necessary competence | Persons with environmental responsibilities (cf. sub-clause 5.3) and persons whose activities may cause a significant environmental impact (cf. sub-clause 6.1.2) | |
75 | 7.2 b | Ensure the competence | Which is based on training and appropriate experiences | |
76 | 7.2 c | Identify training needs | Training and support (external providers if necessary) on the environmental aspects and the EMS | |
77 | 7.2 d | Implement actions to acquire the necessary competence | Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions | |
78 | 7.2 d | Retain documented information on the competence of persons | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
7.3 | Awareness |
79 | 7.3 a | Ensure persons are aware of the environmental policy | Including external persons performing work under the organization's control. Cf. sub-clause 5.2 | |
80 | 7.3 b | Ensure persons are aware of the significant environmental aspects and impacts | And the impact on the workplace. Cf. sub-clause 6.1.2 | |
81 | 7.3 c | Ensure persons are aware of their contribution | In order to improve the performance of the EMS | |
82 | 7.3 d | Ensure persons are aware of the consequences of not conforming | When the EMS requirements are not met including compliance obligations | |
7.4 |
7.4.1 |
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83 | 7.4.1 a | Plan and implement a communication process - on what | "Good news walks, bad news runs". Swedish proverb. Find more information on environmental communication in ISO 14063. Inform and receive information on:
84 | 7.4.1 b | Plan and implement a communication process - when | Quick response to complaints and claims but also to recommendations and proposals for improvement | |
85 | 7.4.1 c | Plan and implement a communication process - with whom | Internally and externally via those responsible for communication (cf. sub-clause 5.3) | |
86 | 7.4.1 d | Plan and implement a communication process - how | In writing, orally, Intranet, Internet, video, presentation, report | |
87 | 7.4.1 | Take into account compliance obligations | Cf. sub-clause 6.1.3 | |
88 | 7.4.1 | Ensure that communication is adequate | Communication is clear, transparent, appropriate, factual, in good faith | |
89 | 7.4.1 | Respond to communications on its EMS | When appropriate. Attention because "Too much communication kills communication" | |
90 | 7.4.1 | Retain documented information on communication | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
7.4.2 |
Internal communication
91 | 7.4.2 a | Communicate changes to the EMS | At all levels | |
92 | 7.4.2 b | Ensure that communication contributes to continual improvement | A person informed and aware is much more committed to improvement activities, cf. sub-clause 10.3 | |
7.4.3 |
External communication
93 | 7.4.3 | Communicate relevant information on the EMS | As defined internally and according to the compliance obligations, cf. sub-clause 6.1.3 | |
7.5 |
Documented information
7.5.1 |
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94 | 7.5.1 a | Include in the EMS the documented information required by the ISO 14001 standard | Documented information to be maintained (documented procedures) :
95 | 7.5.1 b | Include the documented information determined as necessary for the effectiveness of the EMS | The aim is to ensure thanks to an appropriate documentation system an adequate and effective EMS. "Spoken words fly away, written ones stay". Latin proverb | |
7.5.2 |
Creating and updating
96 | 7.5.2 a | Identify and describe the documented information | Codification, title, author, subject, product | |
97 | 7.5.2 b | Choose format and media of the documented information | Language, graphics, paper, electronic | |
98 | 7.5.2 c | Review and approve the adequacy of the documented information | Who verifies, who approves | |
7.5.3 |
Control of documented information
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99 | 7.5.3 a | Control the availability of the documented information | Where and when required in a form that is suitable for use | |
100 | 7.5.3 b | Control the protection of the documented information | Loss of confidentiality, loss of integrity, misuse | |
101 | 7.5.3 | Control the distribution, access and use of the documented information | Who is responsible, method to use, rule to follow | |
102 | 7.5.3 | Control the storage of the documented information | Including protection | |
103 | 7.5.3 | Control the changes of the documented information | Use updated versions, limited access to outdated versions | |
104 | 7.5.3 | Control the retention and disposition of the documented information | Retention period, disposal method | |
105 | 7.5.3 | Control the documented information of external origin | Unique codification, access, protection | |
8 |
Do | ||
8.1 |
Operational planning and control
106 | 8.1 | Plan and control the processes needed to meet the requirements of the EMS | Cf. sub-clauses 6.1 and 6.2. Including process criteria | |
107 | 8.1 | Implement the processes according to the criteria | In order to avoid gaps with the policy, objectives and compliance obligations | |
108 | 8.1 | Control planned and unintended changes | Analysis of the consequences of unforeseen changes and if necessary actions to reduce impacts | |
109 | 8.1 | Control the outsourced processes | And ensure they can be influenced | |
110 | 8.1 | Define the degree of influence over outsourced processes | The level of environmental influence of outsourced processes is defined in the EMS. This level may be high but also low but the responsibility for meeting the requirements is owned by the organization | |
111 | 8.1 a | Establish the necessary control means | In relation with every phase of the life cycle | |
112 | 8.1 b | Determine the environmental requirements of purchased goods and services | In order to take into account the environmental requirements in all activities of the organization. Take into account: | |
113 | 8.1 c | Communicate the environmental requirements to external providers | Of products and their life cycle. Cf. sub-clause 7.4 | |
114 | 8.1 d | Provide information on potential significant environmental impacts | During the delivery, use and end of product life | |
115 | 8.1 | Maintain documented information on operational control | To prove that the processes were carried out as planned and that products and services are compliant. Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
8.2 |
Emergency preparedness and response
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116 | 8.2 | Maintain the process to prevent emergency situations | In order to respond to emergencies take into account what is identified in sub-clause 6.1.1. Use the most appropriate methods | |
117 | 8.2 a | Plan your response to emergency situations | Be well prepared to reduce environmental impacts. Update evacuation routes. Maintain a list of people and relief agencies to contact with details (firefighters, clean-up service). Foresee mutual assistance with neighbour | |
118 | 8.2 b | Know how to respond to real emergencies | And communicate upstream internally and externally. Cf. sub-clause 7.4 | |
119 | 8.2 c | Undertake actions to reduce potential environmental impacts | The actions are proportional to the gravity of the emergencies and are specific to the situation | |
120 | 8.2 d | Periodically test how to respond to emergencies | Train staff to respond to emergencies and when possible simulate an emergency | |
121 | 8.2 e | Periodically review the "prevent emergency situations" process | And update as necessary especially after real emergencies | |
122 | 8.2 f | Communicate the "prevent emergency situations" process to stakeholders | Information and even relevant training courses, appropriately | |
123 | 8.2 | Maintain documented information on emergency situations | In order to ensure that the process will be carried out as planned. Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
9 |
Performance evaluation
Check | ||
9.1 |
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 |
124 | 9.1.1 | Determine what is necessary to inspect | Monitor, measure, analyse and regularly evaluate the environmental performance to achieve environmental objectives. "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it". Peter Drucker | |
125 | 9.1.1 a | Determine risky operations | Monitor and measure activities that can have a significant environmental impact | |
126 | 9.1.1 b | Determine the methods to be used | Choose the inspection method | |
127 | 9.1.1 c | Determine the criteria and indicators | To evaluate the environmental performance use appropriate indicators arising from the environmental objectives (cf. sub-clause 6.2.1) | |
128 | 9.1.1 d | Determine when to inspect | Monitor and measure the essential steps that can have a significant environmental impact in relation to the analysis and evaluation | |
129 | 9.1.1 e | Determine when to analyse and evaluate | In order to ensure the validity of results (measurements are reliable and reproducible). The results are transmitted to those responsible to take action | |
130 | 9.1.1 | Ensure that the equipment is calibrated or verified | The use and maintenance of equipment is appropriate and consistent for reliable and reproducible results | |
131 | 9.1.1 | Evaluate the organization's environmental performance | The results of analysis and evaluation are reliable and reproducible. These results are inputs for the management review (see sub-clause 9.3) on the effectiveness of the EMS. More details on the evaluation of the environmental performance can be found in ISO 14031 | |
132 | 9.1.1 | Communicating on environmental performance | Internally and externally and in accordance with the obligations (compliance). Cf. sub-clause 7.4 and sub-clause 6.1.3 | |
133 | 9.1.1 | Retain documented information on inspection, analysis and evaluation results | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
9.1.2 |
Evaluation of conformance
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134 | 9.1.2 | Plan and implement the process evaluate the state of compliance obligations | Periodically review all compliance obligations through :
135 | 9.1.2 a | Determine when to evaluate conformity | The evaluation frequency is appropriate | |
136 | 9.1.2 b | Evaluate the conformity | And if necessary take action to restore compliance to the legal obligation | |
137 | 9.1.2 c | Maintain the state of compliance obligations | Maintain regulatory watch | |
138 | 9.1.2 | Retain documented information on the results of compliance obligations | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
9.2 |
Internal audit
9.2.1 |
139 | 9.2.1 a 1 | Conduct planned regular internal audits | In order to determine whether the EMS conforms to internal requirements of the organization. Find more information about internal audit in ISO 19011. | |
140 | 9.2.1 a 2 | Conduct planned regular internal audits | In order to determine whether the EMS conforms to the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard | |
141 | 9.2.1 b | Conduct planned regular internal audits | In order to determine whether the EMS is efficient and updated | |
9.2.2 |
Internal audit program
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142 | 9.2.2 | Plan, establish, implement and update an audit program | Include the frequency, methods, responsibilities and accountability of results. Take into account:
143 | 9.2.2 | Take into account the environmental importance of processes | Do not forget:
144 | 9.2.2 a | Define the scope and audit criteria | Limit the area to be audited; use specific and known criteria by the auditee | |
145 | 9.2.2 b | Select auditors | Do not audit your department. "No one is judge in his own case". Latin proverb | |
146 | 9.2.2 c | Communicate audit results to top management | Consider any found nonconformity as an improvement opportunity Cf. sub-clause 7.4 | |
147 | 9.2.2 | Retain documented information on audit program and audit reports | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
9.3 |
Management review
148 | 9.3 | Perform the management review at least once a year | To confirm that the EMS is still relevant (EMS entered the corporate culture), adequate (meeting the requirements of ISO 14001) and effective (achieved the desired results). "No system is perfect" | |
149 | 9.3 a | Take into account the state of actions from the previous review | Results and their effectiveness | |
150 | 9.3 b 1 | Take into account the changes in external and internal issues for the EMS | Cf. sub-clause 4.3 | |
151 | 9.3 b 2 | Take into account the state of compliance obligations | And requirements of the stakeholders. Cf. sub-clause 4.2 and sub-clause 6.1.3 | |
152 | 9.3 b 3 | Take into account the changes in significant environmental aspects | Cf. sub-clause 6.1.2 | |
153 | 9.3 b 4 | Take into account the changes in risks and opportunities | Cf. sub-clause 6.1.1 | |
154 | 9.3 c | Take into account the state of environmental objectives | Cf. sub-clause 6.2.1 | |
155 | 9.3 d 1 | Take into account the information on trends in nonconformities | This is part of the environmental performance. Including corrective actions (cf. sub-clause 10.2) | |
156 | 9.3 d 2 | Take into account the information on trends in inspection results | The monitoring and measurement of environmental performance. Cf. sub-clause 9.1.1 | |
157 | 9.3 d 3 | Take into account the information on trends in the state of compliance obligations | Cf. sub-clause 6.1.3 | |
158 | 9.3 d 4 | Take into account the information on trends in audit results | Cf. sub-clause 9.2 | |
159 | 9.3 e | Take into account the availability of resources | Cf. sub-clause 7.1 | |
160 | 9.3 f | Take into account the feedback from stakeholders | Including complaints, suggestions and recommendations | |
161 | 9.3 g | Take into account the emerged improvement opportunities | Cf. sub-clause 10.3 | |
162 | 9.3 | Include the conclusions on the state of the EMS in the outputs of the management review | This is an essential point of the management review. What we can learn about the relevance, suitability and effectiveness of the EMS | |
163 | 9.3 | Include the decisions on improvement opportunities in the outputs of the management review | Cf. sub-clause 6.2.2 | |
164 | 9.3 | Include the decisions on the possible changes to the EMS in the outputs of the management review | Including new resource needs | |
165 | 9.3 | Include the decisions on actions to implement to achieve objectives in the outputs of the management review | Cf. sub-clause 10.2 and corrective actions to be carried out | |
166 | 9.3 | Include the opportunities to integrate the EMS with internal processes in the outputs of the management review | The aim is to improve the implementation of the EMS | |
167 | 9.3 | Include the possible change in the organization's strategic direction in the outputs of the management review | Priority and responsibility of top management at the highest level | |
168 | 9.3 | Retain the documented information on the conclusions of the management review | Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
10 |
Act | ||
10.1 |
169 | 10.1 | Determine improvement opportunities and implement appropriate actions | Including every innovation. Cf. sub-clauses 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 10.3 | |
10.2 |
Nonconformity and corrective action
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170 | 10.2 a 1 | React to the nonconformity and correct it | Carry out a corrective action | |
171 | 10.2 a 2 | Reduce negative environmental impacts | Take into account the context of the organization (cf. sub-clause 4.1) and perform actions to address the risks (cf. sub-clause 6.1) | |
172 | 10.2 b 1 | Evaluate whether action is needed by performing a nonconformity review | The goal is to find and eliminate the root causes and prevent a recurrence of the nonconformity | |
173 | 10.2 b 2 | Investigate the root causes | Realize an analysis of the root causes | |
174 | 10.2 b 3 | Find if similar nonconformities have been listed | If so draw conclusions with appropriate actions | |
175 | 10.2 c | Implement the necessary actions | To prevent a recurrence of the nonconformity | |
176 | 10.2 d | Review the effectiveness of the corrective action | To check if the action is finalized | |
177 | 10.2 e | Make changes to the EMS | If needed | |
178 | 10.2 | Choose corrective actions proportionate to the importance of the nonconformities | Including environmental impacts | |
179 | 10.2 | Retain documented information on the nature of nonconformities | And actions carried out. Cf. sub-clause 7.5 | |
180 | 10.2 | Retain documented information on the results of the corrective actions | Cf. sub-clause 7.5. Actions, results and review of the effectiveness of actions | |
10.3 |
Continual improvement
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181 | 10.3 | Improve continually the environmental performance of the EMS | With beneficial action to the EMS, processes and environment-related activities |