News on the standard ISO 45001 version 2018 - Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
The ISO 45001 standard was published on 12 March 2018. See BSI, ISO, ANSI and their different prices.
On 26 January 2018, the ballot count resulted in the approval of the FDIS 45001. 93% of participating members voted in favour.
Choosing to implement an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system allows any company to:
- improve workplace health and safety performance
- avoid or reduce work-related injuries and illnesses
- contribute to the establishment of safe and healthy workplaces
- prevent incidents
- protect staff
The course T 18v18 ISO 45001 readiness and its free demo without registration
The course T 38v18 ISO 45001 internal audit and its free demo without registration
The training pack T 78v18 ISO 45001 readiness and internal audit
1. The clauses are 10 ACCORDING TO THE HIGH LEVEL STRUCTURE: (and their place in the PDCA cycle) :
1. Scope
2. Normatives references
3. Terms and definitions
4. Context of the organization (P)
5. Leadership and worker participation (P, D, C, A)
6. Planning (P)
7. Support (D)
8. Operation (D)
9. Performance evaluation (C)
10. Improvement (A)
No requirements or text of a sub-clause of ISO 9001 v 2015 and ISO 14001 v 2015 are cited
Many terms and requirements are reminiscent of ISO 14001 v 2015
The term worker appears 135 times
An OH&S manual is not required
3. DIFFerences with OHSAS 18001 V 2007
Context of the organization (external and internal issues)
Needs of workers and other interested parties
Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the OH&S management system
The consultation and participation of workers becomes a requirement
In addition to the OH&S hazards, the risks and opportunities are determined and taken into account (actions to be implemented)
Assessment of OH&S risks
Assessment of OH&S opportunities
Planning action
Management of change
Control of outsources processes
The definitions of certain terms are new or modified (see clause 3):
- effectiveness
- outsource
- documented information
- contractor
- workplace
- measure
- participation
- performance
- OH&S performance
- process
- risk
- monitoring
- worker
4. Required documented information (procedures and records):
documented information to maintain (procedures):
- responsibilities and authorities (sub-clause 5.3)
- OH&S risks, opportunities and actions (sub-clause 6.1.1)
- methods and criteria for the assessment of OH&S risks (sub-clause
- legal and other requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3)
- OH&S objectives (sub-clause 6.2.2)
- process control (sub-clause 8.1.1)
- emergency situations (sub-clause 8.2)
- continual improvement (sub-clause 10.3)
documented information to retain (records):
- scope of the OH&SMS (sub-clause 4.3)
- OH&S policy (sub-clause 5.2)
- responsibilities and authorities (sub-clause 5.3)
- methods and criteria for the assessment of OH&S risks (sub-clause
- legal and other requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3)
- OH&S objectives (sub-clause 6.2.2)
- worker competence (sub-clause 7.2)
- communication (sub-clause 7.4.1)
- of external origin (sub-clause 7.5.3)
- process control (sub-clause 8.1.1)
- emergency situations (sub-clause 8.2)
- monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation (sub-clause 9.1.1)
- measuring equipment (sub-clause 9.1.1)
- evaluation of compliance (sub-clause 9.1.2)
- audit program and audit results (sub-clause 9.2.2)
- decisions of management review (sub-clause 9.3)
- incidents and nonconformities (sub-clause 10.2)
- continual improvement (sub-clause 10.3)
5. The term PROCESS is used 48 times in clauses 4 to 10
Required processes:
- consultation and participation of workers (sub-clause 5.4)
- hazard identification (sub-clause
- assessment of OH&S risks (sub-clause
- assessment of OH&S opportunities (sub-clause
- identification of legal requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3)
- communication (sub-clause 7.4)
- operational control (sub-clause 8.1.1)
- hazard elimination and OH&S risk reduction (sub-clause 8.1.2)
- management of change (sub-clause 8.1.3)
- procurment of products and services (sub-clause 8.1.4)
- emergency situations (sub-clause 8.2)
- monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation (sub-clause 9.1.1)
- evaluation of compliance (sub-clause 9.1.2)
- incidents and nonconformities (sub-clause 10.2)
6. On the content
- management of change has replaced control of changes (ISO 9001)
- no mapping process required
- no requirement for risk management process
- no requirement for staff satisfaction, perception, valorization and recognition