Tuesday, July 16 2024

Document packs for your management system


  See online courses


  See online games

documents readiness audits packages packages
Common Readiness Audit Quality tools Packages

D 01
Job descriptions

D 15v15
ISO 9001 readiness version 2015

D 35v15
ISO 9001 internal audit version 2015

D 45v19
FMEA approach

D 65v15
ISO 9001 package version 2015

D 02

D 16v16
IATF 16949 readiness version 2016

D 36v16
IATF 16949 readiness version 2016

 D 46
Kaizen approach

D 66v16
IATF 16949 package version 2016

D 03v15
Quality procedures version 2015

D 17v15
ISO 14001 readiness version 2015

D 37v15
ISO 14001 internal audit version 2015

D 47
COQ approach

D 67v15
ISO 14001 package version 2015

D 04v15
Quality instructions version 2015

D 18v18 
ISO 45001 readiness version 2018

D 38v18
ISO 45001 internal audit version 2018

D 48
Quality manager

D 68v18
ISO 45001 package version 2018

D 05v16
Automotive procedures, processes and instructions version 2016
week promotionD 19v18
QSE IMS readiness version 2018
D 39v18
QSE IMS internal audit version 2018
 D 49
Lean approach
D 69v18
QSE IMS package version 2018
D 06v18
Food safety procedures and instructions version 2018
D 20v18
ISO 22000 readiness version 2018
D 40v18
ISO 22000 internal audit version 2018
 D 50
Happiness in the liberated company
D 70v18
ISO 22000 package version 2018
D 07v15
Environmental procedures version 2015
D 21v16
AS9100D readiness version 2016
D 41v16
AS9100D internal audit version 2016
D 51v18
Risk management ISO 31000 version 2018
D 71v16
AS9100D package version 2016
D 08v15
Environmental instructions version 2015
 D 22v16
ISO 13485 readiness version 2016
D 42v16
ISO 13485 internal audit version 2016
 D 52
QSE manager
D 72v16 
ISO 13485 package version 2016

D 09v18 
OH&S procedures, processes and instructions

D 23v07
ISO 22716 readiness version 2007

 D 43v07
ISO 22716 internal audit version 2007
 D 53v20
Project management
D 73v07
ISO 22716 package version 2007

D 10v22
Information security procedures, processes, policies and records version 2022

D 24v22
ISO 27001 readiness version 2022

D 44v22
ISO 27001 internal audit version 2022 

D 54v19
Risk management to medical devices

D 74v22
ISO 27001 package version 2022

 D 11v16

Aerospace procedures, processes and instructions version 2016

D 25v16
ISO 37001 readiness version 2016 

D 55v16
ISO 37001 internal audit version 2016 


D 75v16
ISO 37001 package version 2016

D 12
Quality tools

 D 26v19
ISO 22301 readiness version 2019
 D 56v19
ISO 22301 internal audit version 2019 soon


D 76v19
ISO 22301 package version 2019 soon

D 13v16
Medical devices documents version 2016  




D 14v16
Anti-bribery documents version 2016




                week promotion Promotion of the week

online games Online games

DG 15 IZOGOOD 9001


 MCT MCT, quizzes & case studies documents


D 15

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 9001


D 35

MCT ISO 9001 internal audit


D 45

MCT FMEA approach


D 16

MCT, quiz & case studies IATF 16949


D 36

MCT IATF 16949 internal audit


D 46

MCT Kaizen approach 


D 17

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 14001


D 37

MCT ISO 14001 internal audit


D 47

MCT COQ approach 

D 18

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 45001


D 38

MCT ISO 45001 internal audit


 D 48

MCT Quality manager

D 19

MCT & cases studies QSE IMS


D 39

MCT QSE IMS internal audit


D 49

MCT Lean approach

D 20

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 22000


D 40

MCT ISO 22000 internal audit


D 50

MCT Happiness in the liberated company

D 21

MCT, quiz & case studies AS9100D


D 41

MCT AS9100D internal audit


D 51

MCT Risk management ISO 31000

D 22

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 13485


D 42

MCT ISO 13485 internal audit


 D 52

MCT QSE manager

D 23

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 22716


D 43

MCT ISO 22716 internal audit


D 53

MCT Project management 


D 24

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 27001


D 44

MCT ISO 27001 internal audit


 D 54

MCT Risk management of medical devices


D 25

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 37001


D 55

MCT ISO 37001 internal audit




D 26

MCT, quiz & case studies ISO 22301








Ready to use documents:

  • Common
  • Readiness (systems)
  • Audits
  • Quality tools
  • Packages
  • MCT (multiple choice tests)
  • Popular quotes and proverbs on quality

Examples of:


Examples and templates

  • manuals
  • procedures
  • processes
  • job descriptions
  • instructions
  • management reviews
  • audit plans
  • audit questionnaires
  • audit reports

Documents "ready to use" to assist the certification of your management system

These documents will help you implement your management system and successfully obtain and maintain the certification. They are easily modified (Word and Excel format) and quickly adapted to your specific needs.Documents "ready to use" to assist the certification of your management system

The link to the website where you can download for free the module "Open a Word 2010 document in an earlier version of Word" Office.microsoft.com

You can also use the open source "Libre Office" documentation system to read and edit all types of documents Free download

You can also use the online service "I love PDF" to process PDF files, completely free and easy to use. You can merge, split, compress, convert, unlock and edit your PDFs.

The documents for download are ZIP compressed

To open them you need a decompression software such as:

Winzip (available from the site winzip.com ) or

IZArc (available free from the site izarc.org) or else

7-zip (available free from the site 7-zip.org)



The Oxebridge Q001 standard (pronounced "Q thousand and one") is intended for organizations that wish to implement a formal and documented quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 Quality management systems - Requirements. Each organization will have its own justification for doing this, in particular to meet customer requirements or to develop a quality system allowing continual improvement; this standard is agnostic on these reasons and attempts to satisfy all users, regardless of their justification.

The Oxebridge Q001 standard has been developed to provide an entirely different re-imagining of ISO 9001 to:

a) improve understanding of requirements;

b) reduce repetition of requirements;

c) clarify commonly misunderstood requirements;

d) add key requirements in the standard, such as risk management, opportunity management and preventive action management;

e) improve the numbering and structure of subparagraphs;

f) improve the ability of service providers to use the standard;

g) simplify internal and external audit compared to the standard.


The Oxebridge ISO 9001:2015 QMS Documentation Template Kit is completely free and can be downloaded from this page.